Okay, it's the fall of the year up here in the Northern Hemisphere.
(I know, Meggie, it's the beginning of Spring down there in Oz where you live.)
The Autumnal equinox took place a few days, well nearly a week ago so now the leaves are changing and falling and the temperatures are getting cooler and we're looking for the flannels and the heavy blankets, right?
Well, here in the Central Highlands of Arizona, the mercury is still climbing into the 80's every day and it's still over 100 in Phoenix, just 80 or so miles to the south of me.
Hey, I know! Just get off my back, willya?
Look at the good side of it.
Just last evening as SWMBO and I were enjoying happy hour on our back patio she commented that it was curious how Venus came out and the skies turned dark and it got cooler a lot earlier in the evening.
And that's why she is called She Who Must Be Obeyed.
She understands all this science stuff.
So I just smiled and reflected on my good fortune.
So whatever way you celebrate, enjoy this blessed time of year.
After all, it won't be long until you'll have to get the snow shovels out and spend your days cursing Winter.
(All except you, Canadian William!)