Monday, March 26, 2018


Ah, Gentle Readers, what am I going to do with you?

I meant, of course, the woodpecker at the bird bath.

I finally was able to upload a couple of photos from my camera that are better than the ones from my "smart" phone.

So here, in all his glory, is the Ladder-backed Woodpecker, stopping off for a wee sip on his way around the neighborhood.

The glare from the rising sun spoils the photo a bit but at least this is better than the previous picture.

With his head in that posture I can only surmise that he is very proud of his flashy coat.

Sunday, March 25, 2018


I joined in yesterday when millions of people across the United States marched to express their agony over the murder of innocent schoolchildren, their disfavor with automatic weapons (some with any guns), the National Rifle Association, and the twisting of the meaning of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

In Prescott, a relatively small town located in a very conservative county in a fairly conservative state, the local newspaper said 15 hundred protesters lined the Courthouse Square.

I shot many photos but, in some crazed computer foul-up, the one above and the one below are the only two that survived.

As I entered the grounds I stopped to take a photo and a man who had come to join the march said to me, "I thought this was a children's march but it looks more like an AARP convention."

Indeed he was right.

Most of the marchers were probably mothers and fathers and grandparents of kids who risk their lives every day just to get an education.

There were a small handful of counter-protesters shouting rude insults.

The FIRST amendment gives them the right of free speech but as one of the marchers commented, and I paraphrase, the less said about them the better.

Friday, March 23, 2018


Here we are again.

Gentle Readers, I hope you've got . . .

In spite of the depressing news coming out of Washington one has to take a moment to laugh.

So let's all turn off the t.v., discard the newspaper, stop the lunatic voices coming from your all-talk radio station and pay attention to Your Leader, the Sweet Catalyst.

Here goes.

O.K.  are you feeling better now?

A little better.

Well, I tried.

C'mon now, let's all try a little harder to enjoy the first week of Spring (yeah, I know), eat hearty, drink well (and safely), appreciate your friends, have a great weekend and always (Ah say ALWAYS) remember to keep laughing.

Here kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Yes, I know.

It's a crummy photograph.

But when you only have a couple of seconds and you're using a phone camera and you're shooting through a window and you're trying not to move so abruptly that the blasted bird flies away . . . that's what you get.

He did fly off after drying his beak on the tree just after I took this shot so my point is well taken.

And I show it just to prove to you that I do have a Ladder-backed Woodpecker in the neighborhood.

It's been awhile since I'd seen him and this is my first view of him actually having a drink at the birdbath.

Pretty, isn't he?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


. . . today is the first day of  Spring!

But what's this on the Weather Channel?

Another "nor-easter"?

Yup, snow and wind and coastal flooding and possible tornadoes and heavy rain in the Southeast.

In my environs, it is supposed to be mostly sunny with a high temperature of 66 today.

Happy springtime, Gentle Readers!

Monday, March 19, 2018


Montana Mike (Genial Misanthrope/Should Fish More) inquired yesterday after the health of SWMBO and my own self and after reassuring him that neither of us was, as far as is known, at death's door, it occurred to me that I have not posted an update on our relative health for the rest of you for awhile.

So, as the post title says in abbreviated form, For What It's Worth here goes.

The captain of the ship, aka SWMBO aka Judy, is suffering through several weeks of physical therapy torture, as she refers to it.

She had reached a level of agonizing pain in both hips and both knees about a month ago and got in to see her orthopaedic doctor (actually his physician's assistant) to inquire about a shot or two of pain killer into the hip that was bothering her the most.

Instead, after examining her and probing and pressing on her various and sundry pain points, he informed her that an injection wouldn't do any good because the inflammation, or whatever it was, was so widespread.

Instead he prescribed PT at the torture chamber next door.

That was several weeks ago, as I said earlier, and while the massages and exercises are not of a pleasurable nature, the end result has been an improvement.

Her mobility is better and her pain less so labor on she will, at least for the balance of this month.

Judy's problems are caused partially by the femur fracture she suffered last June but even moreso by the fibromyalgia she has endured for many years.

If you have a choice, don't get it.

As for myself, I'm at a bit of a plateau in my weight loss program.

Can't figure out why.

Well there is that.

I have slackened off a bit in my regime in recent days but I'm just happy I haven't gained back any of the pounds I've shed.

And SWMBO reminds me that plateaus are to be expected in any type of diet.

So my next goal is to break the 200 barrier and I'm less than 5 pounds from that as of this morning's weigh-in.

It may seem like a lot of weight to carry to some of you loathsomely lithe Gentle Readers.

But let me remind you that I AM 6-feet and one inch tall  (having compressed in my declining years from 6-foot-2) and I am a stupidly sedate individual.

I mean SOMEONE has to sit in this chair all day coming up with these scintillating sagas of my existence.

And I AM down from 221 at around the first of February and 241 at the height of my slovenliness a year or two ago.

As for my health it is normal for someone of my advanced years.

(Should I survive for a mere five more weeks I will reach the accomplishment of 78 years on the earth, rather than under it.)

My blood pressure is back to a quite satisfying number after I cut the medicine which supposedly controls it in half.

And the extrinsic pathway of coagulation of my blood is returning to a normal ratio since I slightly increased the amount of medication I take for it.

(Note to Mike and others: I have no idea what I wrote in the first part of that last paragraph; I found it on the Interwebs.)

Both medication adjustments, I hasten to add, came under directions from my various medicos.

In general, I have the normal aches and pains and occasional sleep disorders of a dinosaur like myself but I am pleased and somewhat surprised to still be perambulating.

So there.

Now back to my diet.