We're going back, back and further back into the distant past.
Back into the mid-1970's.
Yes, 40 or 45 years ago.
To the era of brightly colored clothing.
To the days of . . . . . . . MADRAS!
Featuring, from left to right, my dear wife Judy (aka SWMBO for She Who Must Be Obeyed), my ownself, and our friends, Tom and Lana Cochrun.
Doesn't it look like either I've swiped Tom's pants or he's swiped my jacket?
And that is NOT a gigantic spiff that Lana is holding.
It's Pampas Grass, wrapped and sealed in paper for her to carry onto the airplane ferrying them back to their home in Indiana.
It should make her the object of attention to her fellow travelers.
They've been vacationing in California and then visiting us in Phoenix.
Oh, those hazy, crazy days of summer many years ago.