Monday, February 22, 2021


 I've been lucky.

My health has been relatively good through the years with occasional minor bumps in the road.

I'm still ambulatory as I approach my 81st trip around the sun in a couple of months.

I don't really mind getting old.

Oh I do occasionally think, "ah, to be 30 again!"

But those thoughts are fleeting.

What I DO resent about aging is seeing my heroes getting older and retiring or worse, dying.

The latest shock was hearing that Kris Kristofferson had retired.

Hell, he's just a kid, isn't he?

Well, no, turns out he's gliding toward his 85th birthday later this year and had been in our ears for over 50 years.

Actually Kris retired late last year but the word just hadn't gotten out until a few weeks ago when he confirmed it.

I always liked this next song that Kris wrote for Johnny Cash.

Heck, I think I *lived* this song, back in the day.

There's another old-timer in this video, Willy Nelson, who at 87 is still singing for his supper.

And the last of The Highwaymen as this group was called, Waylon Jennings, died a young man in 2002.

He was only 64.

So, let's give up a hand for Kris and his pals, one more time.

Sunday, February 21, 2021


 I just turned to the web site of the local paper and discovered alarming, saddening, depressing news: the Iron Springs Cafe in Prescott has closed.

Long-time readers of this blog will remember that it was my favorite eating place and I had written about it here and here and here and probably many other times.

Apparently the beloved landmark closed its doors earlier this month.

Another victim of Covid-19?

I can only presume so.

I am sad, very sad.

No more Bloody Caesars.

No more Gumbo.

No more Blackened Catfish.

No more other taste sensations.

No more fun.

If it is forever, R.I.P., and thank you for so many good times.

Friday, February 19, 2021


 Wella, wella, wella, young fella, it's Friday once again.

That greeting is for all the rest of my thousands of Gentle Readers too.

I hope your week was amusing.

Maybe not if you didn't live, like I do, in the 1 percent of the United States that *wasn't* frozen solid.

My sympathies are with you.

And to help you thaw out and warm up, here's some humor.

And with that heavenly thought let me wish you all an exhilirating weekend full of warmth and cleanup.

And in spite of your troubles, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Wednesday, February 17, 2021


 Comical Carol, from down in Phoenix, was prompted by my posting an old-timey photo of myself last week, to send me some old pictures from *her* collection.

These are probably from the 1970's and when you notice how much cigarette smoking was going on you might be amazed (as I am) that we are all still alive!

That is Comical Carol herself, though this lovely portrait *doesn't* have her wacky sense of humor on display.

Then there's the famous She Who Must Be Obeyed, exhulting over some weird board game we were playing.

Baseball Steve, in a rare quiet moment *not* in the middle of one of his convoluted stories.

And finally, your sappy scribe.

On viewing these windows into the past I couldn't help but think of an old Bob Dylan song: Everybody Must Get Stoned.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 Upon checking my calendar today I learned that this is Shrove Tuesday.

And Pancake Tuesday.

And Fat Tuesday.

And Mardi Gras.

Basically it's all the same thing.

The day before Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent.

So have at it, Gentle Readers.

Days of fasting are ahead.

Monday, February 15, 2021


 First of all, let me wish you all a happy Presidents' Day.

(Gadfrey, when will these holidays end?)

I hope you all celebrated Valentine's Day in style.

At least whatever style self-isolation can allow.

I went out early and came back with a Sunday New York Times, a strange kind of blueberry breakfast cookie, miniature carnations, and some dark chocolate lava cake Hershey kisses for "da boss".

She was surprised and delighted.

Much later in the day I followed the BRD's lead and baked an Amish Cherry Cobblestone Cake.


After it cooled down, I added the glaze but I made too much and, not realizing I could save some of it, dumped the whole thing on the cake.

It's supposed to have a swirly sort of light streak pattern.

As you can see, mine is a little different.

Oh well, for someone with a sweet tooth it was a perfect finish to Judy's exquisite dinner of Bacon Lemon Scallops and Risotto with Sugar Snap Peas.

I said, after eating a piece of the cake, that it tasted like Valentine's Day.