Aaaahhhhh, Gentle Readers, it's the Big Weekend.
Especially in Las Vegas.
For Sunday a bunch of highly remunerated professional football players will meet there in the 58th Super Bowl.
Or as my wife and many, many, many wives across the planet call it The Stupor Bowl.
Since I cut the cord on my cable subscription I will not be watching it.
But to all of you fans (see "fanatics") I say enjoy yourselves and good luck.
Especially to the gamblers among you.
Now to get down to the business of the day.
Oho! Riker finally got even!
Maybe the Star Trek crew has landed on Rikers Island.
Okay, just ignore that one.
Now whether or not you watch the Celebration of High-Paid Violence on Sunday or not, I hope you ALL will have a great weekend.
And always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(. . . oh, I know how you feel . . . )