Saturday, August 3, 2024


Y'wanna make your house smell good?

Toss those room air freshners, incense and the like.

Saute some apples on the stove.

SWMBO has done that several times recently.

They're tasty either warm or cold but, as I told the boss, they smell so darned good, just about better than anything.

'Course that's excepting a couple of things I did in the past 24 hours.

Yesterday I baked a couple of loaves of Judy's favorite English Muffin Bread and she said it smelled so good.

We haven't had it in awhile and this morning she told me she'd had a great breakfast.

Then, later this morning, I got another gold medal as I baked a batch of brownies.

This time as she came into the kitchen, she said it smelled like heaven.

I'll take that.

Friday, August 2, 2024


 I'll bet you thought I wouldn't be here today.



Nosiree, Bob, you can't keep a good man down.

Well, down but not out.

Well, down AND out, but not for long.

I mean a couple of days isn't long, is it?

Then there's the question of "what is a good man?"



Leave us get onto duh business of duh day!

Let it hereby be known, the Catalyst is back!

But just because I'm back doesn't mean your normal weekend duties are thrown onto me.

No, no, no, no, no!

You still have work to do.

But don't think of it as work.

Think of it as a joyful rendering of tasks to determine that you and yours all have a wonderful weekend.

And no falling!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, puh-leeze . . . )

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I am healing.

It's apparently a slow process.

I either sleep too much or too little, it seems, but I'm working to control that.

In spite of the fact that a couple of doctors and a few nurses have told me that my limit of drinking should be two drinks or two beers or two glasses of wine a day, I have kept it to one since I came home from the hospital.

I'm a little wobbly on my feet even before the alcohol.

Still I'm getting around, with the help of a cane at times but the walker I started off with was too much of a hassle for me so I quickly abandoned it.

I've been visited by a physical therapist for an interview and to see how I've been doing.

She'll be back to torture me with exercises, again and again and again.

I have appointments scheduled for next week with my personal care doctor and with my cardiologist.

So that's my report, to anyone who is interested.

I have had one recurring thought, though, that has me scratching my head.

Monday, July 29, 2024


I don't know what to say other than "thank you" to all of my friends, both known and unknown for your kind comments to my post Saturday.

I am busily making and fielding calls to and from various doctors and home health people today and I'm going to take a break from this bloody computer shortly and rest for awhile.

To keep you up to date, I had not had a drink of anything alcoholic from Wednesday night (after my idiotic fall) until last night when I asked Judy to make us each ONE of her fine Martinis.

We each had one and it was fine.

And then a delicious dinner of barbecued pork and sweet potato french fries and home grown tomatoes and wonderful, wonderful watermelon.

And no wine, just water.

So I'm trying to change the ways of a lifetime, a long lifetime.

But I was whelmed and overwhelmed by all of your kindness yesterday.

And while I am considering a foam rubber sumo wrestler's costume (thanks YP), I was not wearing Jager's trifocals when I tumbled to a very hard Planet Earth (driveway).

For those of you who yearned for the missing Friday Funnies, here's my apology.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 Sorry, my friends, for leaving you in the lurch Friday.

It's a long story.

It began Wednesday evening when I had consumed three drinks and a quantity of wine at dinner.

Later I stepped outside, either blacked out or tripped and fell to the pavement, striking my head and leaving a good bit of blood in the driveway.

Friends who were next door were summoned by my wife and rushed over and got me to my feet, then parked me in Judy's Rollator and then called 911.

The fire department and a crew from an ambulance company came and I was put on a stretcher and loaded into the ambulance.

Judy said I was talking to her but the only memory I have from when I walked out the door was when I was loaded into the ambulance.

Some of the examination at the hospital I may remember and then a doctor telling me I had a brain bleed and they were sending me by ambulance to a hospital in Phoenix.

I spent a couple of days in the I.C.U., undergoing various tests, and another 36 hours or so in a regular room.

I remember one doctor telling me two drinks a night should be my limit.

I remember another technician telling me a surgeon had ruled it was not necessary to operate on my head.

And I remember doing a lot of soul searching, though the doctors and nurses and technicians who took care of me probably would doubt that, as my constant sense of humor took over and I refused most of the time to take my situation seriously.

My wife's daughter, aka The BAD, brought her down to the big city three times, including today when they brought a slightly remorseful appearing jackass home.

Some changes will be made in my life, even though I am 84.

But never fear, the Friday Funnies will continue.

Next week.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


It's been awhile since you've had a report from the Tasty Taylor Eatery so here comes one.

One of my favorite pastimes is to read recipes on the InterWeb, find one that sounds delicious, print it out, hand it to SWMBO and wait.

Sometimes she says something like "Oh, that's too silly" or "That involves too many ingredients that we don't have".

But sometimes she brightens my life outlook by saying "That sounds good and it's relatively simple!"

Such an event occurred recently so I thought I'd relate it.

We were talking about how much chicken we have in the freezer and some different ways to fix it.

That prompted me to hie to the InterWebs, even though we have several shelves worth of cookbooks in our abode.

But . . . I found a delectable sounding recipe called "French Onion Dip Chicken Bites".

And the Boss liked the sound of it.

And a few days later she prepared it.

Taste buds ready?

It was served with PictSweet Farms Vegetables for Roasting (halved Brussel sprouts, butternut squash and onions) and Seeds of Change (quinoa and brown rice).

Ladies and gentlemen, it was exceptional!

If it whets your appetites enough you can find the recipe here.

You're welcome.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


When we moved here just shy of a couple of years ago there were three trees in our yard.

Two majestic ash trees in the front and an elm tree at the side of our garage.

But Arizona has been in a drought for many years and apparently it finally caught up with them.

First the elm tree died.

We learned it was a Siberian Elm, which is really a weed.

Leaves dropping from the tree had littered our side and back yards and sprouted and grew into towering weeds and threatened to take over.

So we were glad when it succumbed but twigs and branches fell from it into our yard and onto our roof.

So a few days ago a pair of arborists came to cut it down.

One man went up in a cherry-picker with a chain saw and began attacking the evil elm.

Before long the towering tree was reduced to this.

Just a stump to identify where it had been.

Then the crew attacked one of the ash trees in the front yard that had also died.

The pieces cut off were fed into a wood chipper that swiftly converted then into dirty brown dust.

And too soon, it seemed, this was all that was left of that formerly sturdy tree.

So now all that remains is one of the ash trees.

I've been trying to save it with deep watering several times a week and it seems to be fighting for it's life.

A sad tale of life and death in Arizona, the land of eternal sunshine.