Wednesday, November 16, 2016


As I promised yesterday, I'm going to show you some of what SWMBO does to make an excellent Beef Bourguignon.

It is basically a beef stew with the meat braised in red wine and beef broth as well as vegetables.

It originated in the Burgundy region of France.

The beginning involves a lot of knifework on beef, carrots, white onions, green onions and garlic.

The mushroom preparation comes later.

The counter next to the stove holds some other ingredients, including a can of beef broth and two cups of red wine.

The afore-mentioned mushrooms have now been cut up and are ready for the saute pan . . .

. . . which is heating a couple of tablespoons of butter.

Butter melted, the mushrooms go in to be wilted down and browned.

In the old days this would all have been done in a big black iron pot but today's crockpots make the cooking a snap.

The dining was delicious and your scribe, in his French personification, expressed his pleasure.

Wait, Frenchy, how good was it?

(I'm looking a bit rough these days as my winter beard is growing.)