Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Never let it be said that SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) can live long with a bare fence.

Long-time readers of this blog may remember what she did to an ugly old fence at the last place we lived until moving here a year and a half ago.

She began painting it!

By the time she was through, or as through as she ever lets an artwork be, it was a grand mural.

Well guess what?

We have a new (to us) home, a new patio and another ugly old fence.

And, lo and behold, yesterday the paint cans and brushes and rollers came back out and a new project was begun.

But this time she had help from the BAD (her Beautiful Artistic Daughter)!

There was consternation from SWMBO over the colors coming from the paint she had purchased.

But the BAD had brought over a large quantity of a bluer blue that proved to be just the ticket as Judy discovered this morning so here is the progress so far.

First the base is laid down and then the artistic flourishes are added.

But I, who shall benefit from all this, think it already looks better.

This time the muralized fence shall (eventually) be signed by Les Deux Artistes.

(Google tells me that's French for The Two Artists)