Y'know, after a feasting day things kind of slow down so I'm a little late with this edition of comedy and fun'n'games.
So how did your big meals go yesterday?
Here's a photo of our Thanksgiving turkey.
Y'know, after a feasting day things kind of slow down so I'm a little late with this edition of comedy and fun'n'games.
So how did your big meals go yesterday?
Here's a photo of our Thanksgiving turkey.
All joking aside, we'd like you to have a great day wherever you are in the world, whether it's Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving or just another normal old Thursday.
When one is a young lad, in one's teens and twenties and even, perhaps, in one's thirties, one can be sure of one thing: he is immortal.
Nothing can touch him, right?
But then, much later, as old age works on him, the sins of his youth begin to catch up with him.
One of my sins was spending too much time in the sun without any kind of sun screen.
Back in the day we called it sun tan lotion and it didn't really offer any protection from El Sol.
Especially not for a pale-skinned youth of Norwegian ancestry.
So here is the older rascal paying for the indiscretions of his youth.
This photo was taken this morning after my latest surgery to remove a skin cancer.
This one came out of the tip of my nose.
Previous surgeries have eliminated them from over one eyebrow, from the top of one ear and from the back of one arm.
All of them have been the relatively harmless type called squamous cell carcinomas.
But one feels, as the years go on and more of these pesky things are discovered, that one's exoderm is slowly just being whittled away.
To the youth of today I can only offer the same advice I ignored back when I was "immortal": wear sun screen and avoid over-exposure.
Like that advice will be heeded.
I wandered out to the driveway a little while ago to take advantage of some of the voluptuous bright sunshine today.
It's a balmy Arizona day - the thermometer registers 54 degrees F - 12 degrees C.
And to those of you who think all of Arizona is the desert with winters in the 70's and 80's, this is typical Thanksgiving week weather for where in the state I live.
As I've explained many times previously, we are 80 miles from Phoenix and in the low mountain range at approximately a mile high.
That compares with the Phoenix Valley at around 900 feet elevation.
So anyway, there I was in the driveway and the coolish sunshine and I thought I'd snap a picture of our beautiful blue sky.
Pretty pristine, huh?
Not a bird in the sky to disturb my reverie.
But wait!
What's that droning sound?
There's someone else out to enjoy the day.
I'll zoom in.
Seems like there's always an airplane in the neighborhood.
Oh well, at least this one is high enough that I can barely hear his engine(s).
What's you neighborhood look like today?
(Update to the below. After changing the battery in the remote opener, watching a short video on Google and employing their tips, the garage door opener is now working properly and remotely.)
So we waited two months for a repairman to come and fix our garage door.
He was here yesterday and got it all done and working again.
All except the remote, which he said is probably worn out and can't be repaired.
So we still have to get out of the car and go inside the house to push the button that raises or lowers the door.
But I'm not giving up.
Today I'm going to search the Google Empire for a possible solution.
In the meantime, to turn my (and yours, perhaps) frown upside down I have another installment of the goofy stuff, beginning with our friends the turkeys.
Now, don't let your frustrations get the best of you at this pleasant shopping time of year.
Relax this weekend and have an enjoyable two days off.
But always remember to keep laughing!
Here, kitty-kitty . . .
(. . . aha, just as I thought . . .)
Gentle Readers, you are reaping this week.
Today I'm bringing you a special bonus edition of The Friday Funnies.
You could call them The Sunday Snickers.
And since they're all about food that might be a great title.
You're getting them for two reasons.
Number one is because I am over the moon about the results from the mid-term election so far.
And Number two because one of my Faithful Purveyors . . let's call her Gleeful Gayle . . sent me a huge batch of memes this morning.
As I have often written here, you don't need to thank me for bringing you a constant stream of humor every week.
Compliment my suppliers who keep the Humor Bank/Banque full of comedy.
So with that, let's take a look at this collection I think of as "What's Eating You?"!!!
Have a fine rest of your weekend, friends!
First of all, something that isn't funny.
Today is Veterans Day.
Let me offer a salute to all who have served or are presently serving.
They protect us.
And, you might have surmised if you read the titles of these posts, today is also Friday, a day given in my household to random attempts at humor.
So let's see how we can do this week.
I made Baked Ziti yesterday.
I found the recipe on the Weird World Wide Web and followed it religiously.
Well, to the letter anyway.
In the Notes section of the recipe it stated that it would be okay to add ground beef to the fixins if one wanted to.
And I did so I added a pound that had been heated on the stovetop until it had lost its color.
Everything went well.
Except . . .
There are sure signs today that it is mid-Autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere.
One of the big trees in our new front yard has changed from its green leaves to a blaze of red.