Friday, November 1, 2024


I bet you thought that outburst of humor yesterday would have been this week's Friday Funnies, only one day early.

No, no, rich kids.

That was just a Halloween Special.

The Humourmeister is right here today with another dose for what ails you.

But before we begin, let me prove to you that the Taylors went all out on their Halloween decorations this year.

All right, shall we get to the business at hand?

Them's the chokes, folks.

Chokes, those are jokes you choke on.

Jiminy, do I have to explain everything!

Now calibrate carefully, don't be cautious, be non-conventional, be contemporaneous, clearheadedness is not called for, let comedy be your construct, your cause for certification.

In summation, have a GREAT weekend!

And always keep laughing!

(And chorteling and cackling, just to continue the chorus.)


Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oh, yeah, I've seen that look. . . . )

Thursday, October 31, 2024


Finally, here it is.

The night of silent sepulchres and slithery serpents.

The night of darkness and fear.


But before I get to that, for what sports fans are out there, the Los Angeles Dodgers are once again the baseball kings of the world, having defeated the New York Yankees in the 2024 World Series.

Now you all know me as a fan of the Arizona Diamondbacks and as one who "hates" the Dodgers.

But as I told Baseball Steve the other night, I've hated the Yankees for far longer, since I was a little kid.

And until the Diamondbacks came into existence in 1998 I was a Dodger fan, first with Brooklyn and then with L.A. once they moved.

I have proof.

That's me in a photo taken on the patio of our home in Guadalajara, Mexico in 1988, triumphantly holding up the Los Angeles Times.

So Congratulations, once again, to the Mighty Dodgers and wait 'til next year.

Now, as for Halloween, I promised you an extravaganza and here it comes.

That's it for me for this Halloween, good friends and Gentle Readers.

I hope you have a rip-roaring good time and are not too frightened this Halloween Night.

And always remember something . . . what the heck was it anyway?


Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . ooooooohhh . . . )

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Yes, fiendish friends, we're down to the brink.

Only one more day until Halloween.

Now whether you are a true traditionalist and have your home decorated inside and out with jack-o-lanterns and skeletons and gauzy fabric mimicking spider webs and imitation black cats and ghouls and vampires . . . or whether you're like me, hiding in a darkened back room until it's all over . . . it's a great time to overdo your candy crushes.

I read somewhere this past week that Reese's Pieces are the favored candy given out on Halloween Night in most of the United States. I'm not a fan.

Of course, there are a lot of pumpkin recipes that we'll be seeing from now until Thanksgiving next month, if not beyond.

They include cheesecakes, bars and other cookies of all makes, as well as the traditional pumpkin pies.

Years ago I became family-famous for my pumpkin cheesecake but I haven't made it in ages.

Maybe this year.

You could tell me of your Halloween traditions as well as your favored pumpkin recipes, if you have either.

In the meantime, I wish you great fun (or not) tomorrow night and a warning: don't eat too much sugary wonderfulness.

Now here's something to perhaps give you pause.

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


My warnings are getting scarier, even to me!

But my goblin friends, time is drawing truly short now for you to prepare for the ghostly night.

Speaking of goblin, or rather gobblin', you know I've told you about my baking many times here.

And also many times about SWMBO's cooking.

She does most of that.

But yesterday, I took pity on her and decided I, the so-called Master of the House, would make dinner.

And so I did and here's a photo of my kitchen extravaganza.

True, I did have some help from Orville Redenbacher and my microwave oven.

But still.

It's the caring that counts, right?

Now back to that most terrifying of all nights, coming up soon as the pendulum clock ticks away in the darkened hall, but still keeping to a food theme, as is my wont, brace yourself.

Just two more days, folks, just two more days.

Monday, October 28, 2024


 Time is of the essence.

And you ghouls that celebrate with the spooks and the black cats have little time to prepare.

Halloween is Thursday night!

But first, let me tempt your taste buds once again.

This was all Judy, as most of our meals are here in our quiet abode.

In the tradition of her ancestry, bratwurst and sweet potato chunks surround a partial head of cabbage, which was sauteed in Balsamic vinegar.

Did I say "our quiet abode".

As I'm sitting down to this I break into a loud chorus of, "Ja, das ist die Liechtensteiner Polka, ja, ja!"

If Google Translate is to be believed that translates to "Yes, that is the Liechtensteiner Polka, yes, yes!"

Which of course has absolutely nothing to do with the meal in front of me but it's been my tradition anytime she puts German food on the table.

I can be a bit of an ass.

I don't know that the side dish salad is of any particular national tradition but cantaloupe and watermelon sure go well with the other food.

And people, always lightly salt your melon slices; it brings out the sweetness even more.

But to get back to readying yourself for the big night ahead, just be careful with your costuming.

Sunday, October 27, 2024


If any of you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that I began awhile back posting cover pictures of the latest book I've read.

It's over in the right margin of this page.

If you've been keeping track, you've seen that my interests are all over the block.

In other words, fiction to non-fiction and subjects widely disparate.

My latest addition is new today as I finally completed reading "Sense and Sensibility" by Jane Austen.

Perhaps an unusual choice for a 21st century man to read because it's an extremely wordy romance novel first published over 200 years ago.

But I kept hearing, throughout my long life, about Austen and one day when I was browsing in our public library I spotted several of her books on a shelf.

So I brought one home, determined to see what all the praise was about.

Now, granted, she was a very good writer and, as I remarked to Judy, she had mastered a fine art of any good suspense novelist of this or any century: the cliff-hanger.

Leaving just enough at the end of each chapter to make the reader want to know what was going to happen in the next and keep him or her reading.

But after 50 chapters and 452 pages of very fine print, I think I've read enough Jane Austen to last this curious guy all the years he has left.

Now to change subjects violently, need I remind you that there are only a few days left before the darkest of holidays, All Hallows Eve?

More commonly known these days as Halloween.

If warnings ARE needed, then here is some help from the Comedy Bank/Banque.

Saturday, October 26, 2024


You may be forgiven for not inquiring as to the progress on the fence mural as it has been many months.

But those months meant Summer.

And with the double impact of living in Arizona and the effects of Climate Change, that means months of staying inside and away from the mural.

Recently, however, the weather broke a bit and the juices of creation began stirring again in my Resident Artist, also known here as SWMBO, or She Who Must Be Obeyed.

So let me show you the recent progress with the admonition from herself to inform you that this is a work in progress and much more needs to be done.

Yet there, peeping through her hideaway in a cluster of flowers, is someone who resembles our beloved Sweetie-Pie!

Last night, the model herself was across the room from us, practicing her Halloween stare.

Oh yes, it's her.

She was "ready for her close-up."

I think she was more frightening than this friend she may have been trying to emulate.

At any rate, the paint goes on and I'll try to keep you informed of new progress.

Speaking of artists . . .

Only five more days folks.

Friday, October 25, 2024


Here we are folks, the 25th of October.

Only six days to Halloween.

Now I know my friend, Shirley, over at BootsandBraids will enjoy this week because she is a costume and makeup mastermind and she can't wait for the Halloween season.

But the rest of you had better prepare yourself too because you just never know who, or what, is going to creep up on you in the dark.

So let's take a look at what has popped out of the Comedy Bank/Banque today.

Or maybe it's the Blood Bank!

Okay, folks, those are the chokes, er jokes.

Now have yourselves a freaky weekend and a scarey week.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . oooohhh, testy, testy . . . )

Thursday, October 24, 2024


For all of you thousands of readers wondering, with bated breath, if our new oven is working here is the sad truth.

Not sad to ME but perhaps to you folk who are getting tired of my incessant bragging reportage on my kitchen exploits.

Two loaves of English Muffin Bread, fresh from the oven, cooling on a rack, ready for my lady.

So that's this morning's successful experiment to see if the new oven worked like the old oven.

It does, even though the other one was gas and this one's electric.

That takes care of the "Bread" in the title of this blog.

Now about that other word - "Terror".

The one has nothing to do with the other.

In case you have been marooned on a desert island somewhere, let me remind you that Halloween is one week from today.

And continuing a long-standing tradition here at Oddball (or maybe that's just in my mind) I will share a creepy cartoon, a murderous meme, a selection provided by my Halloween scarifiers each day leading up to the Hallowed Eve.

And on that day, you'll get a healthy dose of horror.

So with that, here's my first offering.

It's not exactly Halloween related though it would certainly scare the Dickens out of me.

And yes, I did sneak Charles Dickens in there.

At any rate, enjoy.

Or not.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


A few days ago I told you about how my gas oven quit working after I tried to reset the clock on it following a power outage.

To the amazement of me and not a few of my readers, the Almighty Google told me the display on it of what looked like Sb6 was some kind of code that was meant to tell me it had gone into "Sabbath mode".

This apparently is some sort of mode that prevents baking over a weekend but which still supposedly lets the oven stay warm for already baked food.

Various sites told me to hold down the clock button for 5, 7 or 10 seconds to restore my programmer.

None of that worked.

Other sites told me to unplug the stove and then plug it back in.

That didn't work either.

And some sites told me to turn off the breaker to the outlet and then after 5 seconds or so to turn it back on.

Nope, no success.

Finally I was told by some guy who got to me through a website that if none of those solutions were actually solutions I probably needed a new computerized control board and that would be a tad over $200.

Not including the installation charge, of course.

So we went to a thrift store, where we had purchased the range a few years ago, to look for another one but this time an electric one because SWMBO had read recently that some gas fumes can cause illnesses.

(Silly me, I thought they just caused death!)

And we found a used electric range that looked like it would fill the bill, purchased it and arranged for delivery today.

The delivery guys weren't supposed to hook it up but offer of a tip might change their minds.

And it did.

But then the guy said, "Oh, it's electric. I can plug it in. I thought it was gas and we're not supposed to touch that."

So he got down to plug it in and promptly exclaimed "Oh, this is a three-prong plug and you have a four-prong socket!"

He said, in response to our confused queries, that yes, a hardware store probably would have an adaptor.

So off we went to a hardware store and SWMBO, who had announced she was taking on this project, talked to a guy and acquired, not an adaptor, but a new cord with the correct prongs on it which would have to replace the cord on the new (used) stove.

And, having a father, a son and a daughter, who had all been electricians and handymen in their time, she urged me to leave the room while she did the work.

But soon there were cries of frustration as she was unable to loosen the screws holding the old cord to the range.

I tried several times with several tools with the same lack of success.

So we called a handyman we had used previously and explained the dilemma.

He said he could get here sometime this evening but then later texted the name and number of an electrician he uses and suggested contacting him as he wanted to be sure it was wired correctly.

So I did but, of course, got his answering service and left a message to call me.

That was an hour ago and I'm still waiting to hear from him.

Meantime, the cost of that new (used) stove is rising and I'm starting to feel like the guy in this cartoon.

Monday, October 21, 2024


Sometimes it's the smallest things in life that can make a difference.

The recipes that can keep you coming back, time after time.

Making a fool of yourself.

Such was one I conjured yesterday.

It's a very simple dip, intended for the sweet potato french fries we were having with our meal.

And it was good in it's intended purpose.

But what was left over was even better today, once the flavor had melded, used as a dip for little pretzel sticks.

I had been about to go into the kitchen and get it out for just that purpose when I saw that SWMBO had beaten me to it.

She was the one who pointed out the deepening of the flavors since yesterday.

So I dipped.

And then I dipped again.

And again and again before stopping in danger of ruining my appetite for our meal.

That's the trouble with tasty appetizers.

They can satisfy and then sate the appetite if one likes them too much.

As I poured myself a drink and took a sip I wondered why they don't serve this stuff free in bars to encourage over-ordering.

Well, I've kept you in suspense long enough.

So here's the recipe: a quarter cup of sour cream, a half cup of mayonaisse and a teaspoon of Sriracha sauce.

I tasted after one teaspoon of the latter and added a second.

And it's still not too hot.

I'm trying to keep from heading back into the kitchen right now.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


 We are at present without an oven.

Early the other morning there was a thunderstorm here and we lost power for about half an hour.

After we got it back I was resetting clocks and made a mistake with the one on the kitchen range.

After Googling I found that I had mistakenly put it in "Sabbath Mode", which essentially put the oven out of commission.

After trying several fixes I reluctantly committed to the final one, which says it will restore itself after 72 hours.

We still have the stovetop and a lot of food can be prepared on it.

And we have two, count 'em, two Microwave ovens.

The big old monster we've had for ever and a smaller one we bought when we moved here and discovered there was not one mounted above the stove and the old one took up way too much of our limited counter space.

And we have a toaster oven/air fryer, on a shelving unit in the garage which also holds the old microwave oven.

Some time back I had purchased a couple of cookbooks designed for air fryers but had never used them other than for idle reading.

So I pulled them out yesterday and was leafing through them when Judy asked to see them.

She quickly found several recipes that sounded good to her, including one for Mini-Blueberry-Scones and suggested I make them this morning.

And so I did.

This is not a photo of mine since we scarfed them down before I thought of the camera.

This is a photo from the cookbook but mine looked about the same.

The ones I made are capped with an orange zest/sugar topping which made for a nice crunch.

They were luscious and we quickly devoured all eight of them!

For those wanting the recipe, here it is: Allrecipes Air Fryer Mini 

If you make them, don't forget the tea and keep your pinky finger out.

British or not, gotta be correct y'know.