Sunday, September 2, 2018


Do you know what that is?

I'll give you a hint.

The picture was taken on our rear patio yesterday evening as the sun was heading over the yardarm, so to speak.

Okay, I'll tell you.

The red orb was the tiniest but perfect little cherry tomato from our vine.

I'd say about half an inch in diameter.

Judy plucked it and handed it to me and I . . . .

. . . . dropped it into my glass of vodka and soda.

SWMBO has taught me to never eat fruit or vegetables without washing them first but after 20 minutes or so of floating in that concoction I figured it was clean and popped it into my mouth.


I've always heard of how much better a freshly grown tomato is from the kind you buy in the grocery store but had never really noticed it myself.

But this little rascal exploded with wonderful spicy tomato flavor in my mouth.

I may have just invented a new version of the "martini with three olives".