Tuesday, January 23, 2024


 You may recall that the BAD, aka the Bad Beautiful Artistic Daughter, brought jigsaw puzzles into our peaceful abode this past Christmas, spiting my direct orders.

But I dug out a card table and set it up and turned the puzzle solving over to SWMBO, aka She Who loves to drive me batty Must Be Obeyed.

Over the weeks that that blasted thing occupied prime living space in my previously calm home I wandered in, glanced at it and on three separate and widely seperated occasions placed one piece in place and left the room.

But mein frau stuck at it and yesterday she finished it.

And that glare in top center is not the setting sun.

It's an effect of an error on my part - not turning off the flash on my camera-phone.

At any rate, I soon got my reward when she tore it down and put it back in it's coffin box and I took down the table once again.

Today, SWMBO got her reward.

Two loaves of freshly baked English Muffin bread.

But WAIT, as the commercial on television used to scream, there's MORE!

A pan of (also freshly baked) chocolate bar cookies.

If that doesn't have your mouth watering yet let me give you a closer look.

Those are dark chocolate chunks scattered over the top and, as I told her, they also are scattered through the interior of the cookies/bars/brownies/cake.

So she's waiting for them to cool off enough to taste devour.

I'm just waiting for cocktail hour!