This past weekend was the time for not only the Fall Harvest Festival I told you about yesterday.
It was also when a Pony Only show was held just a short distance away.
For those of you not in the know, a Pony Only Show is where owners of the Ford Mustang automobile get to strut their stuff.
You're probably thinking "Are they all red?"
And though it is a popular hue, the answer is "no".
They come in all colors.
This "pretty in pink" model even had a "pony" posing under the hood!
The owner of this Shelby Mustang doesn't want his hood stolen.
Notice that heavy chain holding onto it?
Speaking of hoods . . . the promoters of this show encouraged Mustang owners to bring their cars in no matter the condition.
They said whether it runs or not, needs to be towed, hauled on a trailer, is in process of being restored or not . . whatever the condition, bring it in.
One owner apparently took that invitation seriously.