Monday, April 4, 2022


 Interesting comments on my Masked Man post of yesterday.

At first the number of people still committed to wearing masks regardless of dropping of mask mandates was overwhelming.

But then late in the day it changed a little bit.

However I'm convinced and have gone back to wearing my mask in public places and continuing with caution.

Today we got our second booster shots.

That's four vaccinations we've now had for Covid and, so far, we've been fortunate.

Neither of us has succumbed to it.

And neither of us has had side effects, other than feeling a bit weary for a day after the shot.

Well, heck, I feel weary most of the time any way!

I had an interesting conversation about side effects with my pharmacist.

I told him that neither of us has had side effects and he said that's not unusual.

He said they seem to be dependent on the strength of one's immune system.

Younger people have a stronger immune system that tries to fight the foreign invader (the vaccine) while older folks like yours truly have a weaker immune system that doesn't try as hard.

Hence the side effects syndrome.

Meantime, Spring Fever has set in for SWMBO.

No, not the kind of Spring Fever that leaves one listlessly staring into space.

This is the kind that fires up her Project Mode.

The other day she went out to a couple of stores and came home with two 25 foot garden hoses to replace the old, heavy 50-footer, and three bags of rubber mulch.

She was disappointed to learn that one of the new hoses wouldn't reach the bird bath so the two were spliced together and, though lighter in weight, are just as long as the previous monster.

She's now talking about getting a six-foot hose to tack onto one of the 25 footers.

As for the old hose, several ten-foot-lengths have been cut out of it and wired together to be used as a sort of dam, the purpose of which is to keep dirt and eventually the rocks from washing down off the slope in the corner of the yard during our infrequent rainfalls here in Arizona.*

The rubber mulch is also designed to help.

How about that?

It looks pretty good, doesn't it?

Still some tinkering but Judy the Designer has got a nack.

And I only had to do a little scut work.

* You DID hear that Arizona is in the midst of a record drought, didn't you?