Wednesday, July 31, 2024


I am healing.

It's apparently a slow process.

I either sleep too much or too little, it seems, but I'm working to control that.

In spite of the fact that a couple of doctors and a few nurses have told me that my limit of drinking should be two drinks or two beers or two glasses of wine a day, I have kept it to one since I came home from the hospital.

I'm a little wobbly on my feet even before the alcohol.

Still I'm getting around, with the help of a cane at times but the walker I started off with was too much of a hassle for me so I quickly abandoned it.

I've been visited by a physical therapist for an interview and to see how I've been doing.

She'll be back to torture me with exercises, again and again and again.

I have appointments scheduled for next week with my personal care doctor and with my cardiologist.

So that's my report, to anyone who is interested.

I have had one recurring thought, though, that has me scratching my head.