Friday, July 6, 2018


I realized that it is my role in life to alleviate your pain, to lift your spirits, to take your mind off your troubles and to encourage you to turn off Fox News, CNN and MSNBC.

At least for a while.

In short, to put a smile on your face and some joy in your heart.

Ergo (you could look it up, it's a favorite in my crosswords).

Ergo, I say, the return of The Friday Funnies!

But first, let's check on the weather.

(When I first moved to Phoenix, back in 1972, air conditioning was known as "refrigeration".  I'm not sure if it still is.)

Next, because I skipped a week . . . not one, not two but three pie charts!

Finally, a check on animals favoring tight cozy spaces.


But not ALL animals, it seems.

Now, if you're all feeling better, I want to wish you a beautiful, bountiful, bodalicious weekend full of good eating and drinking and fun and lots of laughter.

Always remember the laughter.

And try to stay cool.

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, July 5, 2018


We don't do fireworks.

We don't march in or attend parades.

We don't attend patriotic events.

We don't picnic.

Not really, though yesterday's dining table appears that we do and brought it inside because of rain.*

A plate of Judy's delicious deviled eggs.

But we do bend to tradition in one way.

We grill.  (Judy, at least.)

Nearly everything.

Brats, peppers, onions, potatoes, corn on the cob

It was almost disaster.

The propane tank went dry in the final stages and the grilled food had to be finished off under the broiler in the stove.

It was delicious.

A couple of solid naps followed the feast before I cleaned up the kitchen.

If I may change the subject just a bit here, Judy added a Tai Chi symbol to one of her fence mural balloons a couple of evenings ago.

She is known around here as SWMBO for She Who Must Be Obeyed.

And the saga continues.

* There was no rain but it's coming closer.  Maybe tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


We harvested our first crop yesterday.

Three cherry tomatoes and a sprig of basil.

We have a small herb and tomato garden in pots on the back patio.

We have used some of the Italian parsley, the basil, the mint, the oregano before.

I sprinkle parsley and basil on our Friday night pizza just out of the oven.

Pretty darn good.

But these were the first cherry tomatoes to come off their plant.

Fresh, there was only one thing that could have made them better.

They made a nice appetizer before dinner.

Well today is the big day, the Fourth of July.

My calendar says it is Independence Day.

So we're doing brats and corn on the cob on the grill, along with some onions and peppers later today.

No fireworks.

All of the towns and cities in our immediate area have called off their fireworks displays because of the fire danger - high winds and hot and dry conditions.

Except for the random lawbreaker shooting off a private stash, the area dogs should be safe from those large noises that terrify them.

That's a good thing.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018


I noticed this in a front yard up the street the other day and stopped to take a picture.

Some of you may remember this post to my blog from 4 years ago.

It appears carving bears out of tree stumps is a big thing in this area.

Now for my fellow Americans both in the United States and abroad I'd like to wish you a safe and happy Fourth of July.

Monday, July 2, 2018


In hot and dry Arizona there is nothing like some fresh drinking water to draw a crowd.

In this case some thirsty house finches.

Upon researching this group I learned that a bunch of finches are known as a "charm".

This charming group stayed only long enough for me to snap one photo.

Then they flew off en masse.

They are all females, hence the rather dull coloring which can cause one to mis-identify them as house sparrows.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Since I last updated you on SWMBO's progress on the mural she's been painting on the fence in our backyard the weather has been really too hot to spend much time out there.

Nevertheless there have been some changes so here goes.

Some more trees around the lake as well as some cosmetic changes to them and the lake itself.

More balloons have appeared, as has a new ridgeline and more trees.

All in all, it's an impressionistic work in progress that does wonders for our back yard.

Unfortunately these photos were taken when the sun was high overhead so the lighting isn't that great and I've just noticed some reflections on my lens in this last photo.

All of these failures you can blame on the photographer.

None on the painter.

Saturday, June 30, 2018


It's a new day, a better day.

It's the last day of June.

The sun is shining.

The sky is blue.

Yet it's a cool morning as we have a slight break in the weather while the eastern half of the nation is sweltering in high temperatures and humidity.

Ah, yes, humidity.

It's one of the joys of living in Arizona.

Right now the humidity is about 25 percent and that's high for us.

Normally it's in the single digits.

Tacking off in a different direction, we visited the Prescott Writer's group recently for a talk on self publishing.

It was quite interesting and the speaker began her talk by saying the days of the vanity press are done and gone.

That's a good thing, I think.

Afterwards we went to a restaurant for dinner and started our meal with one of Judy's favorites - spinach artichoke dip and chips.

We both loved it and commented that we should duplicate it in our own kitchen.

Then when I began reading my daily New York Times Cooking email today one of the first recipes was for, you guessed it, spinach artichoke dip!

I printed it out and we plan to make it perhaps tomorrow.

With all the cheese in this recipe we think it may be our dinner, rather than just an appetizer.

Tacking again, my Arizona Diamondbacks (the baseball team, not the rattlesnakes) lost a one-run game last night but the L.A. Dodgers also lost so we maintain a 3 and a half game lead over them in the National League West.

And Tiger Woods recovered from a shaky start in the Quicken Loans National golf tournament with a 5 under par round yesterday which means he'll once again be playing this weekend so I'll probably be camped out in front of the t.v.

That's life in my corner of the world.

I hope you all have a positive weekend.

Friday, June 29, 2018


I'm not feeling funny this week.

Instead of the usual Friday Funnies, allow me to invite you to spend a few minutes thinking about the victims in the Capital Gazette shooting yesterday.

Thursday, June 28, 2018


A short time back I read about a new way to make your sandwich better.

Whether it's a good or a not so good sandwich, this little trick will improve it.

So the article stated.

I was dubious.

But what the heck, I said, it's worth a try to this old traditionalist.

So I tried it.

What's the gimmick, you ask?

Topping off your sandwich with some potato chips!

Not on the side.

Right under that top layer of bread, which can then be scrunched down to break up the chips.

It adds just the right touch of crunch to make you say, "Hey, that's not bad!"

I have become a devotee and when potato chips aren't available I've used crackers, once even a layer of Saltines!

They all work.

Just don't ask SWMBO.

She's still a traditionalist and believes chips belong on the side.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


I stopped to take some pictures of a huge new apartment complex being built in the heart of Prescott Valley the other day but my attention was diverted when I saw a flyer taped to a utility box.

The housing development will be known as Homestead Talking Glass and will feature a variety of lifestyle choices.

Construction is going on at a number of separate buildings in the complex which covers a sizable portion of downtown from the Prescott Valley Event Center on Florentine all the way to the old Albertson's store over on Lake Valley Road.

Speaking of that grocery store, long closed and out of business, that's where this Homestead Marketplace would be located.

It sounds a bit upscale for this town but the population is growing and more and more homes are being built.

The flyer is asking for vendors, restaurant operators and additional investors so one must wonder if it will become a reality or if it's "pie in the sky".

Only time will tell but the opening of Homestead Talking Glass and occupancy right next door could have a favorable impact.

Monday, June 25, 2018


Ah, you Gentle Readers keep supplying me with blog topics.

Yesterday it was William's comment of a day before that gave me one more reason to show off my beautiful Blackwell.

Today it's Cross-Town Lori who commented on that post:  "What is it with cats and boxes?  A dog would never climb in a box."

Ho-ho-ho, Lori.  Observe.

And just when you're about to say "Those are all stupid dogs.  My Australian Blue Heeler [The Legendary Reggie] is too smart to ever crawl in a box,"  there's this:

I rest my case.

p.s.  That last picture is not of my old friend The Legendary Reggie but I think it's one of his breed.  

It, like all the photos, was just chosen at random from The Great Google.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


One of my commenters on yesterday's post, William Kendall, who blogs from Ottawa, Canada, is a fan of cats and of my beloved big black cat, Blackwell.

He asked a question for which I had no answer.

". . . how do the cats like the new box?"

At the time, SWMBO told me that Blackwell had noticed it but after a cursory examination, was ignoring it.

Unusual but we figured maybe the hot weather was the cause.

Until I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner and glanced down.

Aha, (thought I), apparently it's "just right".

Saturday, June 23, 2018


SWMBO uses some prescription eye drops for glaucoma and ordered a refill yesterday from an on-line pharmacy.

We thought you might like to see the precautions the business takes when shipping to a customer in a part of the country where the temperature is hovering around 100 degrees.

The doorbell rang today and when I opened the door I found this on our doorstep as a Fedex truck was pulling away.

Upon opening the box SWMBO was first confronted with some plastic-wrapped padding.

In the center of which were several packets of well-frozen ice.

In the center of those were Judy's eye-drops, in their three little boxes which were in a sealed plastic bag.

They arrived very promptly and very cold and very safe.

But if you ever wondered about those stories of too much plastic discarded in Mother Earth's environment . . .

Friday, June 22, 2018


It's Friiiiiiiiiii-day!!!!!!!!

"Are you talkin' to me?  Huh?  Well, are ya?"

I'm talking to you and to all my other Gentle Readers out there in Cyberland.

The heat is on here in Arizona.

My thermometer (which exaggerates a teensy bit in the morning) says it's 98 outside now at a little past 11 in the morning.

I was just out there watering a plant and the bird bath and it feels plenty warm.

But, like the Sunny Guy in my header, you just have to keep a happy face front and foremost.

After all, it's time for the Friday Funnies!

Oho!  Does that really surprise you?

All right you good friends, now this weekend don't be xenophobic,  and don't dwell on your ex or ex's, whether they live in Texas or not.

Instead excogitate some extra-fine fun and frolic and have yourself an exhilirating weekend!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .


Thursday, June 21, 2018


In case by some weird occurrence you haven't heard this yet, give it a listen.

The woman is 57 year old (!!!) Regina Ballard, a front desk receptionist at a North Carolina high school.

She announced the beginning of summer break this way.

What pipes!

As SWMBO said, she may not be a receptionist for long.