Saturday, May 15, 2010

More flora

I have a new camera! I bought a Nikon Coolpix L22 on a whim this afternoon. I'm still learning all of the ins and outs of it and I expect I will be for days, if not even weeks. But I am thrilled with it so far, especially the ability (FINALLY) to do some real macro photos.

These are a couple of the roses that are now blooming in SWMBO's front patio garden.

Let's hear it for Nikon!

Prescott Flora

These trees are a common sight in Prescott.

They begin with a pinkish color but change to dark red which can look nearly black from a distance.

I asked the expert in my home, SWMBO, what they were. She didn't know. I asked if they were Flowering Plum trees. She said they were not. Then I went to the Interwebs. Guess what? Flowering Plum.

Here is a somewhat murky attempt at a macro look at the leaves.

Then nearby was this little bush, covered with yellow posies, so far unidentified.

And finally, one of the banes of this area. Can you guess what it is?

If you guessed detritus from Cottonwood trees, you would be correct. This white stuff sheds from the trees, floats through the air and lands on the ground. Many people are allergic to it so it is not a pretty sight when it begins the moulting process this time of year.