Remember our snowfall yesterday?
Almost all gone today as the storm moved east.
Remember our snowfall yesterday?
Almost all gone today as the storm moved east.
This time the Weather Gods got it right.
Our first snowfall of this winter arrived early this morning.
As the Laughing Horse might say "Hee-Haw, it's Friday once again."
On reading the biography the professor at Yorkshire Pudding printed in his announcement of my award, it is obvious that The Friday Funnies were the main reason behind it.
Oh, yes, he mentioned my wife (SWMBO) and my late pal, John Wayne, and my cooking adventures.
But he can't fool me.
It's The Friday Funnies that stand out to him.
And to YOU, judging by the rave comments they get each week.
So let me delay the inevitable no longer.
For the first time this year, here goes!
We had snow in our forecast for yesterday evening.
This wasn't it but I just wanted you all to know that it does snow in Arizona.
This picture was taken some years ago of our back yard when we lived in StoneRidge, a development in Prescott Valley that is somewhat higher in elevation from where we now live.
The daughter, who lives in Prescott, about 10 miles to the southwest of our town, reported she did have snow about 7 o'clock last night.
We only got rain.
But I was just outside and it is c-o-l-d.
It's almost 11 in the morning and the temperature shows at 36F/2C.
And with our usual Prescott Valley breezes, it feels colder than that.
The extended forecast has snow showers predicted once again for Sunday.
We'll just see about that.
I was in my room doing what I usually do in the early morning (and the rest of the day), reading "stuff" (on my computer), working puzzles (on my computer), posting to my blog (on my computer) and writing to friends (on my computer), when my boss (SWMBO) said "Come here and bring your camera."
I asked my other boss (my computer) if it would be okay if I could leave for a minute.
It seemed to be a bit snarly but granted me permission.
When I went to the living room my wife pointed at the coffee table and ordered me to take a picture of what the morning sun she had just admitted through the front window was doing.
So I did.
And her beloved crystal ball, which our daughter has been pining after for years.
She has many of her own now but still yearns for this one and knows she'll get it some day.
In the meantime, it glows in our house when the morning sunshine strikes it.
I was sharing some pictures of a trip to Seattle far back in my past with a Washington-based friend yesterday and ran across this one from our visit to the famous Space Needle.
We were across an aisle from a window and when the people sitting at this table noticed I was trying to get a picture they graciously leaned back so as to be out of the frame.
I like the result with the drinks and the light on their table in contrast to the amazing skyline of Seattle.
So it's 2024 and the turning of the calendar page had a special meaning for me.
I was honored with an award as the Best Senior American Blogger in the Laughing Horse Awards competition.
This is no small honor.
You can read about it here.
Thank you to Yorkshire Pudding and everyone else involved with the awards.
It's great to be recognized.
While all that was going on, Judy and I spent New Year's Eve with a baked brie, sliced pears and apples, grapes and a tad of beef summer sausage.
Oh, and a bottle of prosecco.
There were a few explosive fireworks in the neighborhood but we were long in bed by then and skipped the celebration.
2024 promises to be an exciting year as my country staggers its way toward another presidential election in November.
After the last one who knows what this season will bring.
Happy New Year everyone!
Regular readers of this blog (don't you have anything better to do?) will know that the Friday Funnies are a collaboration between myself and a group I've given silly names.
Of late I've been referring to them in toto as the Humor Elves.
They send me all of those cartoons, memes and wit, along with some that are deemed NSFW (Not Safe For Work) or for general propagation on this site.
But today is a special day for one of those elves, my longtime friend Wacky Wally.
Here it is . . Sunday again.
Is this my Groundhog Day week?
I'm just kidding - I know it's really Friday.
And Friday is when we and the Humor Elves here at Oddball Observations kid around a bit.
(Like we don't most of the time, right?)
So, with the oft-quoted expression "Laughter is the Best Medicine", let's go to the doctor and see what has been prescribed.
I normally rise in the morning when darkness is still cloaking the land.
That's mainly because of Sweetie-Pie, our blasted cat.
She jumps up on my bed and purrs loudly in my ear.
"I'm hungry. Feed me!", she demands.
And she is very persistent so I've just learned to get up and fix her bowl of food and change her water.
Sometimes I go back to bed and some more sleep.
But lately I've been retiring for the night around 8 p.m. (the time I used to head out on the town for a night of alcohol-fueled ribaldry) so by 4 the next morning, if I've had a decent night, I'm ready to rise.
So then I get a cup of coffee, weigh myself, make my bed and dress for the day.
And sit down at my computer desk, aka the International Headquarters of Oddball Observations.
This morning I stumbled across a recipe and when Judy woke (hours and hours later!!) I asked her if we had any apples.
When she answered in the affirmative I told her I was going to make breakfast for the two of us.
About an hour later I served it up.
Fresh from the oven, my take on a German Apple Pancake, aka a Dutch Baby.
Suffice it to say, it was delicious and a big hit.
As confirmed by a note on the recipe that it serves 3 to 4 but we two scavengers finished the entire thing.
If you want to make one this link should take you to the instructions.
Now there's only one problem.
We normally breakfast sparingly through the week and save the occasional feasting for Sunday mornings.
I said to Judy as we were finishing our scarfing, this really is only Thursday but now it feels like Sunday.
So now what am I gonna do?
When I was a young man growing up in cold and snowy North Dakota I learned the value of a nice warm sweatshirt.
(For you residents of the UK, think "jumper".)
Even the governor wore one on a Saturday morning run with his staff and members of the press.
(Governor Bill Guy is the tall fellow on the right in glasses. I'm the lad in dark on the left, apparently dreaming of going back to bed.)
They were cheap.
They were rugged.
They lasted forever.
And most important of all, they were warm.
So as I have reached the senescence of my long and not-so-well-lived life and the temperature has dipped into the 50 degree range . . .
(Again for you residents of not only the UK but the entire world outside of the U.S. of A., think Fahrenheit. Celsius puts it in the 10 degree range and now I'm really shivvering.)
. . . I went looking in the retail outlets for sweatshirts.
Lo and behold, I found one.
Bright red it is and, with it's fleecy composition, as warm as I remember from the Good Old Days.
But I only got one and while I am extremely careful in the kitchen and at the dining table (he lied) it would accumulate spots from time to time.
I dreamed of getting one or two more and today I went back to the same store and did just that.
Now, SWMBO has qualms about me shopping alone for additions to my wardrobe.
And when I came home and modeled my latest purchase, she shuddered noticeably and covered her eyes.
Now I ask you: is this too much?
She seemed to think it was a tad (or a truckload) too bright.
But I assured her it would protect me when I go out to the street to pick up the mail from our mailbox.
And frankly, I love it.
(To be honest: I got one other in a subdued dark grey.)
By the way, when I was looking for that first picture above I found one other of me in a sweatshirt, albeit a short-sleeved one worn for summer.
It shows me exhibiting my style sense at the end of our obviously exhausting weeklong migration from Indiana to Arizona in 1972.
It was just past July 4th and I was still dressed for the patriotic fervor.
The Christmas Holiday is finally over, though some places are still closed today.
Perhaps to recover from hangovers?
As noted above, it feels like a new beginning to me.
I know those feelings are not supposed to set in until January First or Second but it has come early to me.
We had a very quiet Christmas Day, just the two of us here.
The indomitable SWMBO was in full battle mode in the kitchen much of the day, producing a delicious dinner of baked ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes and gravy, warm dinner rolls.
And she moaned because she hadn't provided a green vegetable to go with all of that food.
Every year after one of these feasts, she declares that will be the last holiday meal she prepares.
"It just doesn't make sense to go to all that trouble when it's just the two of us!", she says.
But then the next holiday rolls around and away she goes again.
We had a visit from the BAD and a companion on Christmas Eve in the afternoon.
Drinks and finger foods were consumed.
And then the BAD lived up to her acronym by producing these two "gifts".
Did I just hear the tintinnabulation of tiny sleigh bells?
For sure, many places in the world heard them.
It is (finally) Christmas Eve.
I bet you thought this asinine countdown/countup of mine would never end.
But it has and I thank you all for your patience, your comments, your friendship and your good humor/humour through the preceding year and, in fact, years.
So, let the merrymaking begin in earnest.
Happy Christmas and Best Wishes to celebrants of all those other holidays at this time of year!
Today is Part Eleven of my imbecilic Marking off of the Days until Christmas.
Intelligent readers of this blog (and I know you ALL are) will note that there are only two more days until the fat old man in the red and white suit deposits packages of swag under holiday trees all over the world.
I wonder how he does that.
Those reindeer must be really fast.
At any rate, this is the final Saturday Shopping Splurge Cycle before the big event.
Also known as The Day Men Finally Break Down and Shop!
So don't let me hold you from the Centers of Commerce.
Make like those reindeer and hurry!