And the leaves are changing color . . from green to golden . . .

But there are other less pleasing signs of the season.

One candidate for state office used his garage door as his sign-posting space.
Word has it that John McCain is showing up Thursday night to make up with Dave on the Letterman Show.
Wonder if it will be something like this?
It's a little bit of "the Old West" sort of superimposed on "the new West". Those are the Bradshaw mountains in the distance, part of the town of Prescott Valley a little closer (where the trees are) and a small herd of cows on what apparently is still ranchland.
Kinda neat, huh?
Would have been better if I'd have stopped to take the picture when the cows were right up by the fence.
Paul got back with his pal, Redford, in "The Sting".
Ah, there were so many great movies. Newman made about 60, including "The Hustler", and it's sequel "The Color of Money", "The Long Hot Summer", (this picture may have come from that one.)
There was "Exodus", "The Silver Chalice" (that's the one Paul hated), who could forget "Hud" (Patricia Neal certainly couldn't!), "Winning" (the movie that started his interest in auto racing), "Sometimes A Great Notion", "The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean", "The Verdict", "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge", "Road to Perdition" and "Empire Falls" . . . just to name a few.
Newman said he didn't read reviews of his movies because the good ones give you a fat head and the bad ones make you depressed for three weeks.
But . . . what was your favorite Newman movie?
Whatever it was, we'll remember this guy, and those amazing blue eyes, for a long, long time.
The next time I tried to shap the shutter, the camera told me the battery was too low.
So ended my photographic adventure with the fair, though I did walk through, sampled a Santa Barbara wine, watched a mime (VERY briefly), and headed for home.
Today, SWMBO decided we should go up to the top of Mingus Mountain for a picnic. Nice views from up there.
The actual mountaintop is electronic with television towers every few feet.
So ends my adventurous weekend.
As usual, all of the photos are more impressive if you click on them for the larger shot.
She also refuses to live in the governor's mansion in Juneau, preferring instead to remain in her home in Wasilla, a long air flight away. And, despite campaign promises to the contrary, would like the state capitol moved from Juneau to Anchorage.
I'm sorry, folks, this woman is not playing with a full deck, no matter how many fish she catches and how many moose-burgers she consumes.
Elvis Presley died on this day in 1977. He was 42. Had he lived, he'd be 73 now.
But he left early. His way.