Thursday, July 28, 2011

Roto-Rooter Work

I have to get up at an unconscionable time tomorrow morning: 5:15 a.m.  That's in order to get to the hospital in Prescott by 6:15 to begin the paperwork which will allow me to have an angiogram a little later.  I was telling Blackwell about this last night and he said "They're going to do . . . WHAT???"

I'm told it's nothing to worry about, though.  Of course that's what they always say when they're going to knock you out and start probing your body.  I DO like that idea of being knocked out, though.  I was talking to a nurse the other day who said she had to go in for some hand surgery a few years ago and they told her they could just put some kind of shoulder block in which would work as a local anesthetic.  She'd be awake but she wouldn't feel any pain.  She said she was terrified until she got to the hospital and a nurse there told her that it was her choice.  She said "KNOCK ME OUT!"  She said she didn't want to know anything about what they were doing to her.

With some reservations, that's pretty much how I feel.

So, with good results, I'm expecting to be home again sometime late tomorrow, hopefully the better for the experience.  If not, you may find one of these in my front yard.