Saturday, December 21, 2024


It's finally arrived.

Oh, no, not Christmas.

You still are blessed with a few more days of the Catalyst's Christmas Comedy Cavalcade.

What HAS finally arrived is . . . (drum roll) . . . THE WINTER SOLSTICE!

The shortest day of the year.

Beginning tomorrow each day will have a little more sunshine!

I guess I'd better hurry out and water the cacti.

Oh and I'd better look for a job while I'm out there for once again the Lottery Gods looked down and decided I was not yet worthy.

I got zero numbers on last night's drawing for an estimated 862 million bucks.


But nobody else won it and the next jackpot is estimated to be 944 million dollars and the drawing is on CHRISTMAS EVE!

How can I miss, right?

While I'm counting the zeros in my next windfall, let's take a look at what the Comedy Elves have found for this 13th day of humor before Christmas.
