Tuesday, November 9, 2021

SOLVED! (and another???)

 Okay, Gentle Readers, let the agonizing suspense come to an end.

I know you've all been on tenterhooks, wracking your brains trying to figure out Brain Teaser 3.

So let me solve it for you and give you a rest.

Geo. gets the honor of being the first to solve it, sort of, with his guess of "a pandemic mask for Singers."

But the grand prize (actually there ISN'T any grand prize) will go to Boots and Braids, who correctly identified it as "The Masked Singer"!

Congratulations, B&B!

And for those of you still in the dark, that's a Singer sewing machine wearing a surgical mask (I never knew you could get them in that lovely lilac shade) and it's a reference to a television show called "The Masked Singer"!

Don't feel bad if you've never seen it.

Neither have I.

But needless to say, this apparently fooled exactly no one and everybody got it in record time.

So as a reward, here's one more.

I've got a feeling I'll be revealing this one tomorrow to exactly no one.