To give you Gentle Readers an idea of how much progress SWMBO/Judy has made since her accident and surgery less than two weeks ago, she visited her home this morning.
Two people from the hospital brought her in a wheelchair van to see where she would be once she's discharged next week and how she can get around.
In spite of the wheelchair, she had to walk down the hall (with the assistance of a walker) and get onto her bed, then get up again, then to the bathroom, into the shower, sit down on the bench seat, get up, then walk a few steps more in the hall, sit in the living room armchair, get up and finally be allowed to get back into that wheelchair again.
It was, by far, more walking than she has done in many days of therapy.
She barely lifts the foot on her bad leg but she can move along and doesn't complain much of pain, though I know she feels it at times.
The occupational therapist and the van driver and wheelchair-pusher were both very complimentary toward her progress and said she was doing great.
The therapist said she expected she'd be walking without the walker within a month.
I can't begin to express how proud I am of her.
In the meantime, the BRD brought her handyman over and he has since hung a blind on the back patio to shield the morning sun a bit, installed a grab bar in the bathroom close to the shower and is now building a wheelchair ramp in the garage.
Not to mention standing on the first step from the top of an eight-foot stepladder to change our a.c. filter for us.
He is a wunderkind and, like your scribe, is also named Bruce!
Judy called after getting back to the hospital this morning to say that the therapist today had spoken to the case manager and a meeting that had been planned for tomorrow has been canceled because she has made so much progress and so many questions were answered this morning.
Though it's a bit on the toasty side, the sun is shining brightly on us today.
As for the Goodwin Fire, which has been burning about 10 to 15 miles to the south of us, it appears that it is slowly being contained.
It has now burned just under 25,000 acres and some buildings have been lost but there are no reports of any injuries to citizens or the approximately 1,000 brave men and women who are fighting the blaze.
With lighter winds today and various lines holding, we may have finally turned a corner.