I took my car (NOT a G-M model) in to a dealer and had four, count em, 4 recall problems attended to this afternoon. It only took about an hour and a half and they washed my car. All free.
I've been battling with my television. The other night Judy had Pandora playing through the t.v. and when she was done she just turned off the television. We don't have a WI-FI equipped t.v. but the DVR is and gets the Pandora. When SWMBO turned the t.v. on again the next day it was locked up on a Pandora screen and I couldn't turn the DVR off. Finally got rid of it by cutting the power to the device. Then we couldn't get a signal from Direct TV. I tried everything without success. Finally called for tech support and they couldn't solve the problem either. I scheduled a tech visit for Wednesday.
But then, like the old ham radio operator I used to be, I kept diddling with it. Finally just plugged the Direct TV box directly into the t.v. set and, lo and behold, it worked! Of course that meant I no longer had the use of the DVR. I have a little box that resides between the Direct TV box, the DVR and the TV set. It's a whatchamacallit thing that should result in everything working in unison. Before, when I wanted to watch a movie in the DVR or play Pandora through it I just turned on the DVR and it took over.
I think I finally solved the problem when Judy remembered a tiny remote that (supposedly) controls the whatchamacallit box. I have been able to run both the t.v. and the DVR now but it adds one more frickin' remote to the coffee table.
Why can't my life be more simple?