Tuesday, May 19, 2015


My baseball buddy Steve invited me to Phoenix last week for a Diamondbacks baseball game. I hadn't been to the old ball park for quite awhile so it was a treat. But we were both in for a surprise.

Midway through the game I was nudged and then handed a gift.

While we were watching the baseball game, a caricaturist who signs his name "Roger Pops" was watching me!

Apparently he does this at baseball games, unobtrusively sketching people at the ball games, then putting the finished product in a mylar cover and giving it to the subject.

You can just barely see his hands at work here down at the end of our row, beyond the fellow keeping score.

I took a photo of him later but to my great disappointment accidentally deleted it when I got home.

During the period between innings at the games the cameras scan the stands looking for something to put on the Jumbotron screen. With Steve and I holding up the picture next to my head and mugging and waving, one of the cameramen spotted us and there we were for our 15 minutes (more like a few seconds) of fame on the big screen for every one else in the stadium to see.  It was a kick.

Thanks Roger and thanks Steve!