Monday, April 24, 2023


 Let's see what's in the news of my world today.

Oh my, the big news comes to us from Fox, of all places.

It seems their big star, Tucker Carlson, and his employer have parted company.

That's in the wake of a 787.5 million dollar settlement the company made with Dominion to make a lawsuit go away.

But listen: when the news of Tucker's "departure" broke, the company's stock price tanked and their market value was down 700 million dollars!

In other news, a friend of mine said that over at CNN they "buried the lede" with the news that one of their longtime stars, Don Lemon, had been fired.

But let's get on to news of some survivors.

Barbra Streisand is celebrating (?) her 81st birthday today.

And another famous lady, the actress Shirley MacLaine is marking her 89th whirl around the sun today.

These last two are probably having a better day than the first two but, you know, life is what you make it.

Oh, I almost forgot one - this time a birthday BOY.

Well not exactly a boy, as the hair color can tell you.

And the moustache and chin whiskers have been white for seeming forever.

Now if you guessed this is your scribe, you'd be correct.

I share my birthday with the two talented ladies above and today is my 83rd.

I've only found one celebrity who was born on the exact same day I was.

That would be the author of the alphabet mysteries, Sue Grafton.

Regrettably she won't be around to blow out the candles today.

She died in 2017 before she could write that final novel in her series which she had already titled: Z is for Zero.

She was 77 when she lost a battle with cancer.

As those two media stars who started this post might say:

Sic transit gloria.