And more curiously, where do you get your ideas?
Some people travel widely in their home area armed with a camera.
I used to do that and I still occasionally sally forth looking for inspiration.
But in recent months I've become more and more of a hermit . . . well, not totally because SWMBO is here, too.
So the ideas pop up closer to home.
Like today, for example, from a grocery bag.
A bag from Trader Joe's.
As I was folding it up I noticed this on the bottom.
First that made me think of my Internet friend Tess Kincaid, now living in London but still a huge fan of, as she puts it, a puddle of ketchup.
Wait, isn't it catsup?
Fittingly, the Trader Joe's empire used a cat to explain.
And that led me to think of the old "you say tomato, I say tomahto" tune.
It was originated by George and Ira Gershwin for the 1937 movie Shall We Dance, featuring an amazing dance on roller skates by Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.
Take a listen and a look and, please, watch to the end.
Now do you see how my blog posts arrive?