Saturday, April 28, 2018


Some people can't resist a challenge.

One of these is the BRD's Beau Jack.

When a client of his expressed a desire to climb Granite Mountain, Jack said he'd go too.

Never mind that Beau Jack is no spring chicken anymore, in fact 14 years older than his climbing companion.

Never mind that Granite Mountain tops out at over 7,600 feet.

That makes the climb nearly 2,500 feet.

There are trails but it is still a challenging climb.

They planned their excursion well, taking lots of fluids and caching a supply partway up for the return to normality.

"Here Jack, have some Gatorade!"

Somewhere down there . . . way, way down there . . . is where they started this insane trek from.

And finally, after approximately five hours, they reached the summit.

Jack's only regret?

He left those expensive sunglasses at the top and thought of going back for them but, perhaps wisely, changed his mind and left them for the next intrepid climber.

Back home he plunged into his whirlpool spa.

Two days later, he looked none the worse for wear as we celebrated my birthday in a local restaurant.

Beau Jack says next on his list: Mt. Everest.

We.  Don't.  Think.  So.