Sunday, January 24, 2010

Super Bowl Matchup

Well, as expected the two dominant teams in the National Football League will meet up in the Super Bowl this year. The Indianapolis Colts will play the New Orleans Saints as both teams advanced through their respective league championship games today. So . . . who will win?

Who knows?

But it will be a great game, I expect.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Clouds and Snow

SWMBO and I saw the movie "It's Complicated" this afternoon. Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin are very funny in the featured roles. But John Krasinski nearly steals the movie with great acting as Harley. We were a bit surprised by the laughter from seniors in the audience to some scenes of marijuana smoking by Streep and Martin. It was a very enjoyable film.

Then we drove in to Prescott for a great meal at the Olive Garden. Enroute to and from the restaurant, SWMBO took some photos through the windshield. Those contrails in a couple of the photos are actually streaks made by my windshield wipers.

Snowy panorama toward Granite Mountain.

And the view toward Woodchute and Mingus Mountain.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Before the storm . . .

There's a house on my regular route to visit my pal, Reed, that has a couple of metal giraffes standing guard in the yard, gazing out toward the road.

But recently, when I went by, I noticed that an accident had occurred. The baby giraffe had toppled to the ground, perhaps blown over by the wind, perhaps just worn out and taking a nap. But it was an unnerving sight, which I share with you now.

Stiff-legged, mouth agape. It doesn't look good. But I am convinced that when I go by again, baby will be restored to life.

More snow in Arizona

Yes, it's snowing again in Arizona.

This is taken from the foot of snow-covered Glassford Hill. That's not smoke in the center of the photo, even though Glassford once was a volcano. It's just a smudge on my car window, I think.

One can hardly see the hill as more snow is blowing in.

It's going to be a great weekend to stay home and warm.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Still later . . .

A little later, we had to go to a doctor appointment and found heavy fog. This photo really doesn't do it justice. It was starting to clear off by this time.

Since then, it's been raining, sometimes hard, virtually all day and night. Looks like more snow during the night and tomorrow.

Later . .

These photos were taken about an hour later than those in the previous post.

A little snow

The latest storm from California blew a little snow in our way, as you can see from these photos I snapped at 7 o'clock this morning. Smoke is seen in the upper left of the first photo heading (cautiously) out to check on things. As you can see from the final photo, the snow (while still falling) was rapidly melting on the patio as the temperature rose.