Friday, November 11, 2011

VETERANS' DAY - 11/11/11

It's a day to remember all of the young men and women, many of them now older, who have served their country in the Armed Forces.  I had two uncles who were in World War Two.  One came home, one didn't.  In more recent times, a veteran in our family is our grandson Rusty, known as Sergeant Russell Milburn II, shown here with his fiancee, Kayla.

After several hitches in the Army and tours of duty in Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan, the Sarge has decided to opt out of future service.  He may be a full-time civilian now but we thank him for his service.

To him and all the others - you done good.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


The BRD sent me the following video and I had to share it with you.  These three Italian teenagers are absolutely fantastic!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Yesterday being off-year election day in America I thought we should have some politics on Oddball Observations today.

And then there's . . .

Hope you didn't forget to vote!


Come on guys . . . this is not funny anymore . . . let me in!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


What is it?

National Blog Posting Month.  November.  Every year.  Participants are supposed to blog at least once each day during the month.  I had a mind to try it this year but I missed November 3rd because my previous Internet Service Provider (which shall not be named) was down for 14 or 15 hours and I couldn't get on line.

So this is a bonus post, just for arrogant guys like me.  Enjoy!


Just to take a little joy out of yesterday's photos, here's another one that I also shot yesterday.  Looking west toward Prescott is a near white-out.

But, as the old expression goes, if you don't like the weather just wait ten minutes and it will change.  This, also, was taken yesterday.

That's Glassford Hill in the distance, the Granville subdivision in the foreground.

It was 32 degrees when I got up this morning but the sun is once again shining, the temperature is climbing and all this snow is either gone or should be before the day is out.  Thank goodness for small favors, eh?

In other news, I have a new internet service provider as of late yesterday afternoon.  Whereas my old provider promised me 1.5 megabytes per second but rarely delivered it, my new one comes to me at between 40 and 50 Mbs.  Quite a difference.  But I'm finding it has caused a problem for me.  What used to take me 4 or 5 hours is now over and done with in about an hour.  What am I supposed to do with all this extra time?

Monday, November 7, 2011


I had planned on showing this photo, taken Saturday, on my blog this morning.


Or maybe this one.

But instead here's what I found outside my window today.

The petunias seemed to be collapsed in tears.

Most of it is gone now.  But a couple of hours ago . . .

Still, there was beauty to be found.