Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Yesterday, when SWMBO was doing some Christmas decorating my big black boy cat, Blackwell, decided to get into the act.  A half-empty box of tinsel was too much for him to avoid.

Monday, December 17, 2012


We had our first snowfall of the winter over the weekend.  While it snowed most of Saturday the temperature was too cold for much of it to stick.  It did, however, render the bird bath inoperable.

It was the snow on the bamboo in our back yard that attracted SWMBO's attention.

Even with all that moisture from the sky, the air apparently was so dry as to make the snow look like a dusting of sugar.

For today's Gratuitous Critter photo I am indebted to the BRD, who sent me over a clutch of bird photos.  This one seems to fit my snowy pictures.

"Aren't we a cool couple?"

Saturday, December 15, 2012


I've been hesitant to write anything about the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.  I think it's because so many people are running their mouths and I just want to say "shut your damned mouths."  Friday was a black day for American journalism, if it can even be called that anymore.  "Journalists", both print and television, first got the name of the assassin wrong, they said he left an automatic rifle in the trunk of his car when in fact (if even this can be believed) today they said it was used for most of the killings, they said his mother was a teacher at the school (apparently she had no connection to it), they said the principal had buzzed him in because she recognized him (also apparently not true), and on and on.

I've been reading the biography of Walter Cronkite by Douglas Brinkley.  Cronkite was a great believer in the old journalistic maxim - don't report it until you have two unimpeachable sources.  He was angry at Dan Rather when he screwed up in filing a special report on former President George W. Bush's attendance to duty during his short-lived National Guard career.  That mistake - using only one source (who turned out to be either mistaken or an intentional liar) spelled the end of Rather's career at CBS.

I don't know how the "media" got so much of yesterday's story wrong but I suspect it was because of the rush to get it on the air, ahead of the competition, which is huge these days of cable "news" channels.

The point is, we are being badly served by our alleged news reporters.

Then there's the gun control argument.  During past events of this type, I have been one of those in a hurry to demand stricter gun control laws.  But I seriously wonder, today, if they would do any good.  There are more guns than human beings in our blighted nation.  I suspect there was a rush by the people convinced that President Obama and the federal government are going to go from door to door removing all of their guns today to buy even more guns and ammunition.  There is no gun control law that can bring back all of those guns.

I think the 2nd amendment to the Constitution, which states "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" is complete and utter balderdash in the year 2012.  Why do we have police forces - city, state and federal - if not to provide the protections of a well regulated militia.  Why do we need every person on the street to be "packing heat?"

I was in a pharmacy the other day.  The person in front of me was an elderly man, not to good on his feet, hard of hearing, but he had some type of gun in a holster on his hip.  In the event of something terrible happening should I depend on him to restore order and protect me?  I think not.

I DO believe that our gun laws need to be strengthened to prevent people with mental disabilities from having guns.

I DO believe that anyone who sells guns, whether it be an employee of a licensed gun store or some guy at a gun show, should be required to have a background check done on their potential buyers.

I DO believe there is no place in this or any country for citizens to be able to buy automatic weapons, whether rifles or pistols.

So, the gun control debate will begin in Washington and around the nation.  As always I suspect it will lead to nothing.  And, were stricter laws passed, would they do any good?  There is still a massive amount of weaponry and ammunition already out there.  

And would stricter laws have eliminated the tragedy that happened yesterday.  Apparently not.  The assassin used guns that legally belonged to his mother.  That she purchased for self-protection.  And that cost her her own life.


Thursday, December 13, 2012


I've been having a lot of fun with my new car lately.  Today I got to use the windshield wipers for the first time because there was a light mist falling from the sky.

For those of you worried about the future . . .

For those of you worried about Santa . . .

For those of you worried about Arizona and it's notoriously loony governor, there is always Steve Benson of the Arizona Republic.  Hey!  This guy is a Pulitzer Prize winner!

For those of you worried about the BRD . . . (I don't know why anyone would worry about her!) . . .

She's the one on the far right.  Don't ask me what the boots and brooms were all about.  I think it was an excuse for "da girls" to get together and drink!

And for those who may have been worried about the reports that our good friend, DK, had turned 80 this year, worry no more.  The extremely good looking gal is on the right in this picture with her friend Melanie recently.

Oh, pshaw!  Just tell me I'm not full of the Christmas spirits . . er . . I meant to say "spirit".  Sure I did.

Speakin' of which, here's today's Gratuitous Critter picture.

"Jus' out here bayin' at the moon."

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


SWMBO got her wish yesterday as we picked up our new car.

It is a brand new 2013 Nissan Altima and it has more bells and whistles than a spaceship.  Heated steering wheel, heated seats, XM radio, temperature controls that can be adjusted separately for the driver and front passenger seats.  SWMBO spent much of last evening reading the Quick Reference Guide.  I haven't begun yet other than to learn how to open the trunk.  Judging from the size of the manual that came with the car, it will be a learning experience that goes on and on.  It's our first new car since we bought a 1986 Volkswagen Quantum station wagon.  The best part so far?  That new car smell!

I'm about to take my first drive in it.  SWMBO drove it home yesterday and said she loved it.

Like today's Gratuitous Critter I'm a little bit in awe of it.

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Several lifetimes ago . . . actually it was in 1969, only 43 years ago . . . I moved from my native North Dakota to Indianapolis to take a job as a news reporter at a radio station.  A few months later a young man was hired.  We became colleagues and good friends in the only three years that we worked together.  Then I moved on to Phoenix, Arizona and found a job with a television station.  I spent 15 years there before, having come into some money, my wife and I moved to Mexico.  About five years later I moved to Austin, Texas and after a couple of years back to Arizona, where I've been ever since.

My friend spent all of his working career in Indianapolis, moving to a couple of televison stations, then running a company he founded doing independent television production, then back to yet another television station as the news director.  He retired (sort of) a few years ago and moved to California.

My friend is Tom Cochrun, who oversees his blog Tender Whispers.  No, wait, that's not it.  I'm really old now and I forget things.  It's called Light Breezes.  Well that could be Tender Whispers, couldn't it?

A few years ago (everything seems to happen "a few years ago" in my aged state) Tom sent me a package of letters I had written to him and his lovely and talented artist wife, Lana, beginning in 1972 and running up to 1987.  Then the fine and gentle art of letter writing was ruined by the advent of the Internet.  Long, thoughtful (Ha!  Who am I kidding?) letters were subsumed (fine word - subsumed) and replaced by short, inane emails.

But back to that packet of letters.  I have just finished a two-day reading of them and I was stunned by the verbosity, by the hubris, by the near-constantly changing moods, by the pie-in-the-sky dreams of freelance writing, of candle shops, of joint projects, of publications we would create, thus confounding those around us and spewing forth political dicta (fine word - dicta) that only we were wise enough to see.

Ah, youth.  But as Tom noted there was also wild, crazy, zany humor in these letters, overinflated talk of our use of booze and drugs (We were Hunter Thompson before Hunter Thompson was cool!), paranoia about what the government knew about us in the godawful Days of Nixon.  But always talk of love, of brotherhood.  It is rare in these days of movement around the country for two men, youngsters growing old, to maintain a friendship over 43 years.  But we have.  Over time we have gotten together for adventure (who can forget that Democrat Mini-Convention in 1974) and just for fun. As one friend of Tom's used to drawl:  "Beeee-zaaaahhhrrr!"

I shall maintain possession of these crazed documents for the time being.  As suggested by Tom when he sent them back to me "whoever lasts the longest should have the right of possession."  Thanks for hanging onto them, buddy!  (Actually he said something more like "If you die before I do, these had better come back to me!")

(Kinda sounds like a love story, don't it?)

Which brings me to today's Gratuitous Critter photo.

"Two old lions growing old but staying in touch"

Friday, December 7, 2012


This is one of the reasons I like living in Arizona.  I snapped this photo early this morning as I was running out to buy a paper.  It's December 7th, there is no snow and the sun is shining.

Of course there are others who don't agree with me.  An article the other day said the states has been in drought for 15 years now.  But this little town keeps growing (housing starts are up) and new businesses are opening and the constant question remains "How do people make a living here?"

Sort of hidden, there are several large employers here and I expect a lot of people work in them.  Their salaries apparently keep the service industry going as more and more restaurants (mostly fast food types) keep opening.

But back to the weather.  It's just past 11 a.m. now and the temperature is 46.  The high today is forecast at 64.  There's no snow.

And it's December 7th.

I hope you're happy wherever you are.

Oops, I've been letting you down recently without my Gratuitous Critter photos.  Let's see what we've got for today.

Ah, how about this one.

"Good to the last drop!"