Wednesday, January 24, 2018


O.K. Gentle Readers.

You have to be a fan of the game show Wheel of Fortune for this one.

And you have to have a wacky sense of humor.

Roll the tape, please.

You may be thinking, as was I, "Poor Pat."*

* - Pat Sajak has been the host of the show for over 30 years

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018


After some critiques of my profile picture over there on the right of this page I have tweaked it in my photo program and got it down to what you see now.

Better, I think.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

As of this writing, in Washington, D.C. 81 U.S. Senators have voted to re-open the government.

Since they only needed 60 votes, everyone should be back to work by tomorrow at the latest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

The new banner photo at the top of this page is of a sandstone rock formation in far northern Arizona named "The Wave" because of the undulating forms created by erosion from rainwater and wind.

I've not seen it in person and I'm quite sure I never shall since it is reputed to be difficult to reach for hikers and a very limited number of permits to visit it are issued for each day.

I found the picture courtesy of The All-Knowing Google.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our bird bath has a small light bulb underneath it to keep the water from freezing when the temperature drops.

But there's a loose connection somewhere in the set-up and the bulb sometime goes out.

That happened last night some time and the water was frozen solid this morning.

I propped the basin in some sunlight and after a time the ice loosened enough for me to get it out.

The basin is now refilled with fresh water and ready for business once again.

And with that, I hope everyone is happy.

Even if it is Monday.

Sunday, January 21, 2018


A light frosting of snow in our front yard early this morning.

And out toward Glassford Hill.

Winter.  It's brutal in Arizona.

Saturday, January 20, 2018


Today is the one-year anniversary of the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States.

It is also the anniversary, minus one day, of the first Women's March of non-partisan, peaceful protest.

In spite of a cold day with a biting wind a huge crowd of women AND men marched around the courthouse plaza in downtown Prescott today.

There were many, many signs denouncing Trump, supporting Planned Parenthood and other women's issues.

I had thought earlier in the week about joining the march but my mind was made up when I heard that the BRD would  be marching.

And sure enough, we ran into each other nearly as soon as I arrived.

She was with her good friend, CJ.

Not bad for only a couple of days after having eye surgery and CJ is scheduled for spinal surgery in a week.

Now who couldn't support these two battlers for their health and their rights as women.

As citizens.

Update:  The BRD later sent me this photo she took of me at the march.  So, just to prove I was there . . .

And, yes, that is a cane in my right hand.

Friday, January 19, 2018


Yes, Gentle Readers, it is that time of the week again.

Uh, yeah.

Without further comment on that, let's get on with the business of the day.

No theme this week, just a random collection of items from the Funny Factory.


Some of these hit a little close to home for me.

I hope they tweaked that ticklish zone way down deep in your psyche.

So now then, I want you all to go out there and have yourselves a somewhat more than pusillanimous weekend.

And always remember our motto here at camp: Keep Laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(ohhhhhhhhh . . . .)

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


We had a meal today at the Texas Roadhouse in Prescott.

Each table has a pail of peanuts in the shell.

We had a fairly small table so asked that they be removed after I'd had a few.

Also brought to the table, along with us, were fresh-baked yeast rolls with cinnamon butter.

Judy had fried catfish, one of her Hoosier upbringing favorites.

I had a 6 ounce choice sirloin which shrunk quite a bit during cooking.

But it was very tasty and quite enough.

I had steak fries with it instead of that baked potato.

Everything about our experience was great, from the food to the service to the prices.

Now here's the curious part.

The Texas Roadhouse restaurant chain was started in . . . . . wait for it . . . . . . Clarksville, Indiana, just across the Ohio River from Louisville, Kentucky.

And the guy who started it was from Colorado.

His name was Kent Taylor.

We share a last name.

But the chain now has around 450 restaurants in 49 U.S. states and a number of foreign locations.

Probably more than you wanted to know.

But their attention to quality makes the Texas Roadhouse a good meal out if you like traditional American food.