Thursday, March 15, 2018


The weather forecast for our part of Arizona says we might have scattered rain or snow showers today and tonight.

Reason enough to show you a closeup of a water color painting I picked up in Seattle some years ago.

It's called Seattle Rain and it might be more appropriate for Seattle than Arizona.

But I like it.

And actually I like the rain when it falls.

I used to love driving in it.

At night.

I'm older and wiser now.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


I wouldn't attribute it to jealousy but every once in awhile, SWMBO tries to sabotage my attempt to lose weight.

Most recently it was with this delicious, taste-tempting, scrumptious Quiche Lorraine.

I ate more than my share but I'm back to my regime again and am holding this morning at 205.

And this is only a memory.

Monday, March 12, 2018


Apropos of whatever you prefer . . .

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Ahhhhhh . . . . .

Breaking News: Arizona stays on Standard Time!

(oh, you mean that's old history?

Never mind.)

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Judy's Christmas Cactus has become an Easter Cactus this year.

Friday, March 9, 2018


Well hello there!

Here we are once again, Gentle Readers.


I thought you'd have that feeling.

You know why he's so excited, don't you?

Big news out of the White House last night.

How will that go?

Well in the famous words of one of the participants "We'll see."

All right, on with the show.

You didn't think I'd forget the pie chart, did you?

All right that's enough.

After all we don't want to have to go to the hospital to have that laughter stitch removed from your side, do we?

Whatever you do, however you do it, no matter how silly you look, please have a super-duper weekend, Gentle Readers.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(Yes, you.)

Thursday, March 8, 2018


While I try to avoid politics in my blog I sometimes am drawn into it almost against my will.

Such is the situation today when I read in the New York Times that the daughter of an old pal I met in my Mexico days reportedly is considering a run for governor of New York.

A mutual friend in Seattle asked me this morning what I thought.

My response was that I knew Ms. Nixon had been a quite public activist dealing with the New York City public school system for a number of years.

I also said that 2018 is definitely The Year of the Woman in politics and that Cynthia is very intelligent.

But I'm also aware that running a state, especially one as large as New York, is a lot different from acting as one on stage or being an education activist.

On the other hand she does have that friendship with the mayor of the Big Apple to count on.

So who knows?

Maybe some day that young actress I got to know when she visited her dad in Mexico back in the 1980's may have a much larger platform in the 21st Century.

("Need a press secretary, Cynthia?") 

I do know one thing.

Her father would be even prouder of her than he was way back then in Guadalajara.