Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Now that we've got the monk straightened out and I now know that it's correct name is La Monja, or The Nun, maybe I can explain why we moved her.

This past Christmas we were gifted a totem, designed, created and given to us by the BRD.

That's the beautiful rich daughter, or Gayle, in case you've forgotten.

We decided the perfect place for it was the corner of the yard where La Monja had been before.

So here, with a drum roll for the work of the Beautiful Rich ARTISTIC Daughter, is the totem.

It is a ceramic structure with each object resting on another nestled around a steel rod which goes up through the center.

I think it is perfectly sited at the top of the arc of rocks that Judy and I (mostly Judy) arranged out of a pile that was here when we arrived.

As the sun moves across the sky during the day the light and the shadow are constantly changing to provide a myriad of photo opportunities.

I'm anxious to see what it will look like at night under the light of a full moon.

(SWMBO advised me that I should explain we're aware that it is slightly tilted and a correction will be made in due time.)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


It's about the last post - The Mono.

SWMBO just read it and came in to tell me that's not it's name.

She informed me that it is Monja.

Guess what that translates to in English.


SWMBO then said, "You could have asked me."

And that's why she's called She Who Must Be Obeyed.

(I did get her t.v. set running correctly last night, though.)


We (SWMBO and I) have been making some changes in what we laughingly call our "back yard".

We moved the monk to a new location.

It seems like a position of honor and quite by accident I discovered that it is just that.

In the morning, if the sun is shining and it usually is, a beam of light is reflected from my window directly to the monk.

And in the late afternoon he seems to have an unearthly light coming from the setting sun.

Now he (or she) looks like a monk to me.

I bought him, or her, years ago when we were living in Ajijic, Jalisco, Mexico.

A tag said it was a "mono".

Now the nearest translation from that Spanish word to English comes out as "monkey"!

Now he, or she, is definitely not a monkey but it just occurred to me that the first four letters of that spell "monk".

Which he, or she, looks like, wrapped in that robe with only the face showing.

Incidentally, SWMBO has insisted on keeping he, or she, outside and the elements have had an effect on that face.

From time to time I have suggested touching he, or she, up a bit but SWMBO says she prefers the aging process the weather is providing.

Which doesn't provide a solution to the mystery of the name.

But I've always called it "the monk" and I guess I'll continue with that.

If y'all have any better ideas, the comment section below is wide open.

I always welcome a meeting of the minds.

Monday, January 28, 2019


Y'all may remember my post recently about one of my neighbors on the next street over flying his flag upside down.

I noted that that's a correct way to fly the flag if the flag-raiser is in distress.

I suggested that, in this case, it might be his way of protesting the government shutdown.

The government went back to work today and, lo and behold, when I stepped outside a few minutes ago I noticed once more his flag flying.

But now it is right side up so I'm guessing it was a protest.

I just can't tell whose side he's on.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Saturday, January 26, 2019


You may have noticed yours truly bragging on his blueberry flaugnarde the other day.

You remember.

I started out calling it a clafoutis until I read that it only goes by that name if it's made with cherries.

But I didn't use all of the blueberries and they were going bad fast.

So today while I was out running an errand, the real cook in the house took the bull by the horns.

Actually she took the blueberries by the stems and showed me what baking is all about.

These are her candied-ginger blueberry turnovers.

They came out of the oven as I was compelling her to sit and watch yet another cooking show on t.v.

I haven't tasted them yet.

But I did get to munch on a few tiny cinnamon sugar bon bons that she made out of her pastry scraps.


But these will be better, I'm sure.

And the beat goes on.

Friday, January 25, 2019


Today's news: the government is still shut down, Roger Stone has been indicted and arrested, a Connecticut woman charged with D.U.I. was drunk on vanilla extract, and A.J. Pollock has signed a four year contract - - - with the LOS ANGELES DODGERS!  😖  Sheesh!

I think it's time to think about what day this is.

For those of you who detest puns, well I guess this just wasn't your week.

Now pun-hater or pun-lover, put your personal perfect professionalism to good use, place pusillanousness to the rear and plunge precipitously into a pleasant weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

(ewww, and I just cleaned the kitchen floor.)