Saturday, April 9, 2022



(Thanks to Tommy Terrific for that one)

Friday, April 8, 2022


 April is my favorite month.

It's the time when Spring really does burst forth.

Oh there may be the occasional snowstorm but we all know it won't last and the buds will soon be exploding into blossoms.

And it's the time for celebrations.

Anniversaries, like ours.

And I just learned that my great-great-grandparents got married on the 5th of April in 1826!

And it is a month of birthdays too.

The BRD's is in a few days and mine is in a couple of weeks and . . .

No, no, no, I'm just kidding about that.

Her birthday isn't until next month.

But speaking of kidding . . .

Pop goes the weasel!


Oh, sometimes even I have to laugh.

What's that?

I'm alone?


Well, y'old grouches, try to struggle through the next couple of days and have a good weekend.

And always remember to KEEP ON LAUGHING!


Here, kitty-kitty . . .

Thursday, April 7, 2022



It's been a long time since this photo was taken of Judy and Bruce, aka SWMBO and Catalyst.

It's on our doorstep at Governour's Square apartments in Indianapolis, Indiana.

We were newly married.

A lot of miles since then and, as the old saying goes, a lot of water over the dam.

Today marks our 51st wedding anniversary.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


For a long time now I've been pooh-poohing people who complain about side effects from the Covid shots.

I never have side effects.

I never have had side effects from flu shots either.

At least not since I was a little kid, back in the Dark Ages.

One nearby friend beat me by a few days to getting his SECOND booster shot for Covid.

Then he described his side effects.

Neuropathy the first night, he said.

Ha!, I scoffed.

And Monday SWMBO and I got OUR second booster shots.

No problem, said I.

We did some shopping and some gardening afterwards.

That night the neuropathy began.

Now if you don't know what neuropathy is let me describe it to you.

It's a severe nerve pain that comes and goes in the sufferer's feet.

At least that's where I get it.

And, for some reason, it's usually worse after I go to bed, leading to prolonged moaning and occasional screaming and cursing.

This night, in spite of the medication I take for it at bedtime and the acetaminophen I took about 4 a.m., it did not go away all night.

And when I rose in the morning, not from sleep I might add, I was groggy enough to be walking into walls most of the day.

Judy kept telling me it would be better the next day and she helped it along with a dose of another, stronger medicine for last night.

It worked.

No neuropathy or at least very little.

I slept like a baby.

And I don't mean I cried and woke up to pee every hour.

That was the night before.

I slept well and woke feeling refreshed and today has been a different story, though I still have some fatigue.

More than usual, that is.

So to all of those people who have been insulted by my cocky comments along the lines of "I ain't got no side effects", I hereby offer my humble apologies.

Now I think I'll go lie down.


Tuesday, April 5, 2022


 Several of my commenters yesterday prompted me to go to the Almighty Omniscient Google.

The commenters said they had never heard of rubber mulch.

Weakling that I am, I began to wonder if what was scattered around our yard WASN'T rubber mulch.

If, in fact, it never existed.

I am pleased as punch to find proof that rubber mulch does, indeed, exist.

When I related this to SWMBO, she said (wisely, as always) that I could just have gone to the back yard and looked at the bag.

With that gentle put-down I shall switch subjects.

Take a look at this:

My chef's delicious concoction of Spicy Paprika Shrimp, sizzling in the pan.

Now in my younger days I detested grits.

But I thought I'd try them again and Herself prepared some with a hefty dose of some White Sharp Cheddar Cheese I had purchased.

Shrimp and Grits.

Why has it taken me this long to taste, appreciate, love this classic Southern dish?

Looking at these photos makes my mouth water, even though we just had this a couple of days ago.

How about you?

Monday, April 4, 2022


 Interesting comments on my Masked Man post of yesterday.

At first the number of people still committed to wearing masks regardless of dropping of mask mandates was overwhelming.

But then late in the day it changed a little bit.

However I'm convinced and have gone back to wearing my mask in public places and continuing with caution.

Today we got our second booster shots.

That's four vaccinations we've now had for Covid and, so far, we've been fortunate.

Neither of us has succumbed to it.

And neither of us has had side effects, other than feeling a bit weary for a day after the shot.

Well, heck, I feel weary most of the time any way!

I had an interesting conversation about side effects with my pharmacist.

I told him that neither of us has had side effects and he said that's not unusual.

He said they seem to be dependent on the strength of one's immune system.

Younger people have a stronger immune system that tries to fight the foreign invader (the vaccine) while older folks like yours truly have a weaker immune system that doesn't try as hard.

Hence the side effects syndrome.

Meantime, Spring Fever has set in for SWMBO.

No, not the kind of Spring Fever that leaves one listlessly staring into space.

This is the kind that fires up her Project Mode.

The other day she went out to a couple of stores and came home with two 25 foot garden hoses to replace the old, heavy 50-footer, and three bags of rubber mulch.

She was disappointed to learn that one of the new hoses wouldn't reach the bird bath so the two were spliced together and, though lighter in weight, are just as long as the previous monster.

She's now talking about getting a six-foot hose to tack onto one of the 25 footers.

As for the old hose, several ten-foot-lengths have been cut out of it and wired together to be used as a sort of dam, the purpose of which is to keep dirt and eventually the rocks from washing down off the slope in the corner of the yard during our infrequent rainfalls here in Arizona.*

The rubber mulch is also designed to help.

How about that?

It looks pretty good, doesn't it?

Still some tinkering but Judy the Designer has got a nack.

And I only had to do a little scut work.

* You DID hear that Arizona is in the midst of a record drought, didn't you?

Saturday, April 2, 2022


 Mask mandates are coming down all over the country and with two vaccines and a booster, with another one coming soon, I'm feeling more relaxed about not wearing a pandemic mask.

Actually where I live I'd say the majority, possibly the vast majority, of residents never have worn a mask.

The percentage of people who've been vaccinated just recently hit 70 after hovering at 69 percent for months.

But I have been faithful to the scientific guidelines and have been going into stores looking like a bandit for months.

Actually I guess I could say "for years".

And, actually, I guess I could say "an aging bandit".

But lately, with even the President frequently going out without a mask, I have doffed mine too.

Except at medical offices.

They still require them.

Even if you're just there to deliver or pick someone up.

Like I was the other day waiting for SWMBO at a medical lab.

It's not particularly flattering.

But some of my very near and dear relatives would say, "You ought to see him without it!"

Like the comedian Rodney Dangerfield used to say, "I don't get no respect!"