Friday, January 5, 2024


 As the Laughing Horse might say "Hee-Haw, it's Friday once again."

On reading the biography the professor at Yorkshire Pudding printed in his announcement of my award, it is obvious that The Friday Funnies were the main reason behind it.

Oh, yes, he mentioned my wife (SWMBO) and my late pal, John Wayne, and my cooking adventures.

But he can't fool me.

It's The Friday Funnies that stand out to him.

And to YOU, judging by the rave comments they get each week.

So let me delay the inevitable no longer.

For the first time this year, here goes!

So that's our voyage beyond our galaxy, into a different universe, a universe of humor.

Now let's all have a universally fine weekend, even though it's only two days this week.

I know, I know, you're spoiled.

But suck it up.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . uh, oh . . . )

Thursday, January 4, 2024



We had snow in our forecast for yesterday evening.

This wasn't it but I just wanted you all to know that it does snow in Arizona.

This picture was taken some years ago of our back yard when we lived in StoneRidge, a development in Prescott Valley that is somewhat higher in elevation from where we now live.

The daughter, who lives in Prescott, about 10 miles to the southwest of our town, reported she did have snow about 7 o'clock last night.

We only got rain.

But I was just outside and it is c-o-l-d.

It's almost 11 in the morning and the temperature shows at 36F/2C.

And with our usual Prescott Valley breezes, it feels colder than that.

The extended forecast has snow showers predicted once again for Sunday.

We'll just see about that.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024


I was in my room doing what I usually do in the early morning (and the rest of the day), reading "stuff" (on my computer), working puzzles (on my computer), posting to my blog (on my computer) and writing to friends (on my computer), when my boss (SWMBO) said "Come here and bring your camera."

I asked my other boss (my computer) if it would be okay if I could leave for a minute.

It seemed to be a bit snarly but granted me permission.

When I went to the living room my wife pointed at the coffee table and ordered me to take a picture of what the morning sun she had just admitted through the front window was doing.

So I did.

The sun was brightening a bouquet of flowers I had brought her a few days before but with three newly-opened lilies.

And her beloved crystal ball, which our daughter has been pining after for years.

She has many of her own now but still yearns for this one and knows she'll get it some day.

In the meantime, it glows in our house when the morning sunshine strikes it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 I was sharing some pictures of a trip to Seattle far back in my past with a Washington-based friend yesterday and ran across this one from our visit to the famous Space Needle.

We were across an aisle from a window and when the people sitting at this table noticed I was trying to get a picture they graciously leaned back so as to be out of the frame.

I like the result with the drinks and the light on their table in contrast to the amazing skyline of Seattle.

When I asked Judy to remind me of something from that trip she said she thought that was also the last time we flew in an airplane.

2006 - almost a lifetime in the past.

Monday, January 1, 2024


So it's 2024 and the turning of the calendar page had a special meaning for me.

I was honored with an award as the Best Senior American Blogger in the Laughing Horse Awards competition.

This is no small honor.

You can read about it here.

Thank you to Yorkshire Pudding and everyone else involved with the awards.

It's great to be recognized.

While all that was going on, Judy and I spent New Year's Eve with a baked brie, sliced pears and apples, grapes and a tad of beef summer sausage.

Oh, and a bottle of prosecco.

There were a few explosive fireworks in the neighborhood but we were long in bed by then and skipped the celebration.

2024 promises to be an exciting year as my country staggers its way toward another presidential election in November.

After the last one who knows what this season will bring.

Happy New Year everyone!

Sunday, December 31, 2023


I've just checked and this is my 282nd post of the year.

So I have posted 77 percent of the 365 days.

Actually that's not entirely true because on some days there were two posts.

But 77 percent is not a terrible grade.

I'll take it.

Continuing with numbers for just a bit to get this odd convergence out of the way.

Today being the final day of the year can be written this way:


As in December 31st, 2023 (or just 23).

That may not mean much to you but numbers freaks love it.

And I've heard that couples are flocking to wedding chapels in Las Vegas to get married today.

As we approach our 53rd wedding anniversary (in April) and add another number to our octogenarian ages, I find that much of the year was spent dealing with medical issues.

We both got new eyeglasses this year and Judy got a new Pacemaker and a new knee.

And by the way she's feeling better nearly every day.

She told me yesterday that she's about to start driving again!

On a brighter note, we went with her daughter Gayle to Scottsdale earlier in the year to an annual art show.

We had a visit from a grandson and his wife and their two daughters: our great-granddaughters!!

That was our first time meeting the great-grands and we found them to be lovely.

(Gadfrey! We're getting old!)

Speaking of which, Gayle had another birthday this year but that's all I'll say about that.

Against our better judgement we adopted a little 7 year old black cat in April.

Sweetie-Pie has taken over our home and changed our lives.

I went to The Pie Place, aka the Rock Springs Cafe, a couple of times during the year for reunion visits with colleagues from years gone by.

Tim Dietz (Timmer) was in Phoenix from Colorado for a football game and came to one of them. That's him with the white cap.

I did a lot of baking and cooking this year but find, even with all the goodies I've lost another 8 pounds.

Since I began keeping track of my weight in 2015 I find I've lost an even 60 pounds and now seem to be holding steady.

I've had to get some new clothes though as my "fat clothes" don't fit me anymore!

Our Arizona Diamondbacks surprised the baseball world by making it to the World Series but lost in 5 games to Texas.

Still, a very bright year for them.

My only sibling, my brother Wayne, turned 90 at the end of July but died in November so I'm the last in our family now.

Judy has read a ton of books from the library this year.

I waded through Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens recently but spend more time with my cookbooks.

The end of this year finds us relatively healthy with our increasingly bionic bodies.

Let's see what 2024 brings!

Saturday, December 30, 2023


Regular readers of this blog (don't you have anything better to do?) will know that the Friday Funnies are a collaboration between myself and a group I've given silly names.

Of late I've been referring to them in toto as the Humor Elves.

They send me all of those cartoons, memes and wit, along with some that are deemed NSFW (Not Safe For Work) or for general propagation on this site.

But today is a special day for one of those elves, my longtime friend Wacky Wally.

I hasten to add that this was a photo taken a year or two ago when he was enjoying his retirement enough to grow a beard and I demanded a picture.

He was obviously in a wacky mood that day.

But he has thought better of it since then and returned to his more dignified public persona.

He has become a regular member of  "The Old Gang" that gathers from time to time at The Pie Place, aka the Rock Springs Cafe, where this photo was taken.

You're probably wondering why I've chosen today to reveal his identity.

It's because it's his birthday!

So join me in wishing him a wonderful time as he marks another circle around the sun.

And a bit of history.

Wally and I met each other a long time ago, when we both worked for Channel 12 television in Phoenix.

That's videographer Wally on the left and field producer me on the right, flanking reporter Ron Talley and anchorwoman Linda Alvarez.

We were on top of a rooftop in Washington, D.C. preparing for a satellite transmission back to Phoenix on the latest in the nomination hearing of the late Sandra Day O'Connor to the U.S. Supreme Court.

There's been a lot of water over the dam since those days.

But hey . . .  Happy Birthday, Wally!

And thanks for all of your help in creating a Fun Friday every week.