Sunday, March 31, 2024


 Easter Sunday morning - 5:30 a.m. - Prescott Valley, Arizona

Old Man Winter refuses to leave us alone!

Friday, March 29, 2024


Here we go again.

Another holiday is looming.

This time it's Baked Ham Day.

Otherwise known as Easter.

But let's get all of our eggs in a row and let this ham show you some of his collection.

The first one is old but as one of my comedy contributors said when it was sent to me . . . "It's traditional!"

That's it, my friends, that's all the humor/humour this hard working lazy retiree could summon forth from the Humor/Humour Bank/Banque this week.

Now please have a Happy or a Blessed Easter.

Or both.

But always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . ohhhhh, so sneaky . . . )

Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Brioche Buns from Bruce's Bakery

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


The sun is back.

The snow is gone.

Here's another ornamental pear tree to brighten your "safe way".

To explain that last sentence, the tree is directly in front of my local Safeway grocery store.

I couldn't resist.

I'm sorry.

Now here's a thought for the day, sent the other day from Comical Carol with a heading saying "Why I've Given Up Watching the News."

I think many of us have that same thought.

Monday, March 25, 2024


 After two days of posts about our lovely ornamental fruit tree blossoms here in the foothills of Arizona, what to our wondering eyes should we see last night?


That, my dear friends, is not a meteor shower.

Or an alien invasion.

It was this!

SNOW, falling from the sky once again.

We have had snowstorms in March before, as I have warned in previous posts, but this one came as a surprise even though yesterday was cold and windy.

A little later, just about the time it was ending, our shrub had a distinctly white shawl.

I imagined I heard "False Spring" laughing as it moved on out.

But this morning . . .

. . . la monja and the Blue Cat did not appear amused.

Sunday, March 24, 2024


 The ornamental pear trees are beautiful at a distance, especially as they contrast with the plum trees (lower left).

Up close, their white blossoms are not as showy.

Still, a nice harbinger of Spring.

Saturday, March 23, 2024


 By the looks of things around my neighborhood, Spring is truly making an effort to arrive.

A couple of ornamental plum trees.

A little closer . . .

And *really* close.

The ornamental pear trees are also blooming.

I'll try to post some pictures of them tomorrow.