Tuesday, May 21, 2024


It's time for a bit of a progress report on the side yard at our abode.

"The Girls" have nearly finished the base painting of the fence.

As Judy and I were sitting inside, looking out through the glass slider, she said "I like it already, it's so much more cheerful."

And I agreed.

There will be more to come, trees, bushes, probably a lake, the inevitable hot air balloons, and maybe a cat peeking out of the foliage.

And speaking of foliage, adjoining one end of the painting, Judy's honeysuckle vine is lush with new growth.

And it's bursting into bloom.

While hanging from the arbor up above, the spinner is taking it all in while trying to keep from blowing into the next county.

Monday, May 20, 2024



Some big ones mark one of the entrances to Mountain Valley Park, very near to where I live.

The park has four baseball diamonds, a soccer field, a swimming pool, a dog park, picnic areas and ramadas.

It is well lighted at night.

Sunday, May 19, 2024


I had to make a quick trip to the grocery store yesterday and stumbled across the waning moments of a classic car show in its parking lot.

But I did get a few quick photos.

I asked the owner of this little beauty what year it was from.

He said "1933" and I replied "My gawd. that was before I was born!"

I did a little research and believe it was probably a Ford.

He has done a beautiful job on it and it was my favorite of the ones I saw.

Here are the few others I had a chance to photograph.

I can never resist a gorgeous red car but this one had an extra appeal that I liked.

Did you see it?

Fuzzy Dice!

Hanging from the rear view mirror.

They bring back a lot of memories.

Most of the cars had roared off driven out before I could get my camera going but one car owner had a bit of bad luck.

His car wouldn't start and he had to have it towed.

So it goes in the world of classic cars.

Saturday, May 18, 2024


The BAD just sent a photo from her kitchen. 

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie, still bubbling from the oven when the photo was taken.

And no, I did not teach her how to make it.

It's her very own speciality.

One of many.

Friday, May 17, 2024


Wow! Sorry I'm late.

But you can't get rid of me that easy . . . just a bad night.

Maybe I should stop sniffing those paint fumes.

Any way, it's Friday again as most of another week has just brushed by.

So let's get going.

You got a beef with that?

How's that for a round trip, eh?

Right back where we began.

To atone for my tardiness today, I gave you a teensy bit bigger portion from the Humor Cafe.

Now the weather is warming up so get outside, gambol about on the sward, or not, but have yourselves a wonderful weekend.

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . . Oh, and ours was *very* insistent this morning . . . )

Thursday, May 16, 2024


The painting of our fence has been continuing with Judy adding a bit each day.

There is no deadline so there is no rush.

As the saying states "one day at a time".

But the fence is becoming more attractive.

Meanwhile, the BAD has just finished her latest project at her studio/home.

Awhile back, our friend Tom in California sent us a photograph of their three cats all posing together, for once.

Since Gayle (the BAD) is also a cat lover, I sent the photo over to her.

And she used it as a subject of her latest painting.

And the beat goes on.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Never let it be said that SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) can live long with a bare fence.

Long-time readers of this blog may remember what she did to an ugly old fence at the last place we lived until moving here a year and a half ago.

She began painting it!

By the time she was through, or as through as she ever lets an artwork be, it was a grand mural.

Well guess what?

We have a new (to us) home, a new patio and another ugly old fence.

And, lo and behold, yesterday the paint cans and brushes and rollers came back out and a new project was begun.

But this time she had help from the BAD (her Beautiful Artistic Daughter)!

There was consternation from SWMBO over the colors coming from the paint she had purchased.

But the BAD had brought over a large quantity of a bluer blue that proved to be just the ticket as Judy discovered this morning so here is the progress so far.

First the base is laid down and then the artistic flourishes are added.

But I, who shall benefit from all this, think it already looks better.

This time the muralized fence shall (eventually) be signed by Les Deux Artistes.

(Google tells me that's French for The Two Artists)