Friday, November 17, 2023


 Gentle Readers, Friends, Enemies, Frenemies, Lurkers and Poor Souls Just Thirsting for Humor . . . GREETINGS!

Once again we have gained a foothold on the weekend and reached the near end of another week.

I hope your week has been a good one.

Mine has been . . . . . meh.

But that's better than bad though not as good as sensational.

So let me try to turn things up and see if we can all reach nirvana together, okay?

Fasten your seat belts!

Technically, those are the jokes, folks.

Or would that be "trek-nically"?

Well I'm not going to dwell on that.

I'm just going to ask you all to soar into a stratospherically fantastic weekend.

And, please, always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . oh, I know that stunt . . )

Thursday, November 16, 2023


 This was a homemade birthday card given to me by my friends Tommy Terrific of the Light Breezes blog, and his artistic wife Lana back in 1987.


While we were about to move to Mexico for four and a half years, you can see my friends share my sense of humor.

And no, I wasn't wanted by the FBI.  😄

Tuesday, November 14, 2023



And a less-cropped version.

I remember a while back a neighbor of ours standing at the edge of his roof with a long pole and some kind of chopper device at the end of it, lopping branches off that "tree" in the lower left of the above photo.

I remember thinking, "that crazy fool is going to fall off that roof!"

But he didn't, just leaving the scars of his work on that growth.

Speaking of which, you might be pleased to hear that Judy is progressing fairly well, though she may not think so.

But she said yesterday she was able to put some weight on the leg in which she had a knee replacement surgery one week before.

And do it without pain!

Then she went for her first PT session, had a rough night last night and is taking it much easier today.

But she's moving better and, take it from me, progress is definitely being made.

As a reward, I'm baking a loaf of her favorite whole wheat bread with dried cranberry pieces embedded in it.

Well actually the bread machine is doing most of the work.

But I got it started!

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Friday, November 10, 2023



I don't know how it's been in your world but this has been a week to behold.

Not to live through again, just to look at it and ask ourselves "How did we (she) ever get through that?"

I won't bore you with details except to say that SWMBO went yesterday (Thursday) to her first Physical Therapy appointment since her surgery (Monday).

Seems to me that's faster than moms get back into the swing of things after having a baby.

With less pain.

Okay, okay, don't jump on me, I may be wrong about that.

But after all that, you'd think no-one around these here parts would have a sense of humor, or humour.

Well . . . you'd be wrong!

Oh, I love those guys.

Really, I do.

Well that's about it for my sense of humor for the week.

I hope you had fun and that you'll have a fun-derful weekend full of joy and cornfields and trying to find the very best turkey.

This turkey has some advice for you: always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .

( . . uh, no, kitty, not there, please . . )

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

SHE'S HOME! (Updated)

The Mistress of the House, She Who Must Be Obeyed, my Beloved Spouse, aka Judy, has returned.

With one arm bandaged where they yanked the i.v. tube out, with a walker close at hand and with her loving companion, Sweetie Pie, come to sniff those awful hospital smells.

I saw her, SP, go into Judy's room several times this afternoon and look around, seemingly confused by the absence of her friend.

And once Judy got into her chair she came up to the arm to joyously greet her and celebrate her return.

Judy had a total knee transplant Monday afternoon and spent about 48 hours in the good care of the hospital staff.

OOPS: As commenter Barbara Anne pointed out below, Judy had a total knee REPLACEMENT, not a transplant. Please excuse this error by a tired but happy Catalyst.

But she was getting stir crazy today and anxious to come home.

Tomorrow she goes to her first Physical Therapy session.

But tonight she is back home and because of the drugs she is taking for pain she can't even have a cocktail.

Never mind.

I'll make up for her.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Judy had her knee transplant surgery yesterday.

Her doctor said everything went fine.

She spent the night in the hospital and says this morning that she's had quite a bit of pain.

But she is moving about, with the aid of a walker.

Her first PT guy suggested she could stay in the hospital for another day if she wanted.

She asked him if he thought it would be a good idea.

He said he thought it would.

So she'll most likely be there for another day.

She's obeying her caretakers and following all the rules.

Grinning and bearing it.

She is aware of all of your good wishes and appreciates them.

Somewhere down the line I'll encourage her to write a post to tell you all what this has been like for her.

In the meantime, we both thank you.