Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Yeah, I know.

"All you ever talk about is drinking!"

Listen, when you get to my age there's not a lot else.

But this isn't about my quaffology (I made that one up!)

It is about Happy Hour at Ye Olde Blue Birdbath.

A Mountain Jay was one of many who partook of my "bird-tending" offerings this afternoon.

It happened suddenly.

There were birds of various types suddenly swarming the backyard.

It began with the jay at the "bar", when suddenly a big old mourning(?) dove nearly landed on his back.

(I am seriously questioning the adjectival description of these big bullies as "mourning".)

Actually, I don't think they are bullies . . I just think they're stupid.

Meantime, another Jay watched irritably from above.

The one at the birdbath was repeatedly slaking his thirst.

While this was going on a Phoebe's Say was twitching around on the ground beneath him, flipping up bugs from the sand for it's dinner.

It moved too fast for me to get a photo.

But there were others.

Robins and House Finches.

And Goldfinches.

Yeah, I know, once again.

I'm working with a cellphone camera here.

It doesn't zoom so well.

Or maybe I just couldn't hold it still enough when I was zoomed in.

Maybe I just need a drink.

Salud!  Prost!  Santé! Cheers!  Bottoms Up!