Friday, October 2, 2015


We begin this week's chapter in our humor anthology with the immortal Berkeley Breathed and his Bloom County, with a tip of the hat to the late Joseph Heller.

With that out of the way, a thought about death.

Then there's the way Phoenix feels this week.

I don't know why I'm thinking of death so much this week unless it's my aching back but . . .

In keeping with my continuing dedication to keeping you safe and notifying you of dangerous threats and how to avoid them, I bring you this:

And while I'm at it . . .

Ah, progress, eh?

All right, it's time for what you all come here for every week - the cats.

Hey, wait a minute, those aren't cats!

Neither are they! (well, they may be meerkats)

C'mon, cats! Where are you??!!!

"Are you talkin' to us?"

A duck's best friend, right?

Well . . . .

I give up.

That's the funnies for this week, folks. Thanks to all my contributors and to those unknowing people I stole from. Have a great weekend and remember, always keep a smile on your kisser.