Monday, October 23, 2017


Spotted on a short walk near my house.

What, one wonders, IS a sanitary sewer?

I wouldn't think any sewer is really sanitary.

Maybe those big ones in the movie "The Third Man" which starred Joseph Cotten and Orson Welles among others.

Welles played a mysterious post-World War Two crook (Harry Lime) in Vienna and sneaked around the city using the big underground sewers.

But I digress.

Checking with the All-Knowing Google I learn that a sanitary sewer is a system of underground pipes that takes kitchen and bathroom waste from homes and businesses to a wastewater treatment plant where it is filtered, treated and released.

Apparently it is so-named to distinguish it from a storm sewer, which carries rainfall and other drainage.

So there you are.

Now you (and I) know probably all we ever wanted to know about sewer systems.

And now, to lighten the mood a bit, here's the theme music from that movie, played on the zither by Anton Karas.

Some other time I'll explain what a zither is.