Tuesday, December 3, 2019


When I chose my avatar for this blog I was not thinking of cats.

I, in fact, chose "Catalyst" as a name for someone who stirs things up; who cultivates thought; who causes events to occur, as it were.

But, as has often been pointed out in these musings since Oddball was brought back to life in March of 2008, cats play a large part in the lives of both SWMBO and myself.

So, how did that all begin?

With the two who traveled with us to Arizona from Indianapolis in 1972.

They were named Primo and Pax.

Regrettably I have no photos of them.

But as proof of our affection for the felines and of they for us, I offer this favorite photo of Judy on a Christmas visit back to Mexico a year after we had ended our residence there.

That animal wasn't even one of ours, it was a pet of our friends.

Still it gravitated to Judy within minutes of our arrival.

We believe his name was Bustipher.

And then there's me and a couple sharing my cocktail hour many years ago.

That's Jazz, on the left, and Muggles, on the right.

So yes, we do love cats and even though we have decided not to live with one in these days of our senescense, we're still buying kitty treats and welcoming the neighbors' cat Matty in for a snack, some catnip, and a snooze.

And you can still call me "Cat".