Saturday, May 18, 2019


Henley, a young neighboring cat, came visiting yesterday.

Wanting a drink apparently, he first tried to stretch his body over the edge, then climbed atop the Blue Cat for some extra elevation.

But it was still not comfortable enough for him and before I knew it he had leaped up to the edge of the bird bath and cat fountain.

He balanced on the edge as I tapped on the window to get his attention.

At first he didn't see me so I opened the window and spoke to him.

I hurried to the other room to see if Judy was awake but she wasn't so I returned to my viewing spot.

To find this!

Apparently in his leap down from his precarious perch he had upset the bird bath and it toppled over.

It had landed on a rock but amazingly did not break.

Later as I was telling Judy about it she said there was an unused plant saucer on the patio and I should put it out full of water for the visiting cats.

I did and a short time later when Matty had come by for a brief visit he discovered it and, Judy said, drank long as if he had never seen such good water.

I'm glad they're taken care of and perhaps our bird bath will survive another season.