Thursday, October 28, 2021



It's the end of a week as good as any week can be, nowadays.

My beloved Arizona Cardinals finally lost a game, to the Green Bay Packers, on a mixed play with only 14 seconds left and victory in their grasp.


Why does one put oneself through this agony (of defeat), even if it's only experienced through the television tube.

Well, so it goes.

They still have 7 wins against only one defeat this year and are now tied for the best record in the National Football League.

Who'd of ever a-thunk it?

So let us enjoy what might have been and might still be.

And enjoy these simple laughs.

If that didn't leave you laughing/groaning, you haven't been paying attention.

So let me SHOUT at you, HAVE. A. GREAT. WEEKEND!

And always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .