Monday, March 9, 2020


You frequent readers of Oddball Observations have followed our adventures with the avian visitors to our back yard, and to our bird bath.

You may recall that there used to be a fairly tall though fragile tree next to it which gave the birdies a place to perch whilst waiting their turn to get a drink or, horror of horrors, actually take a bath.

If your minds have not been permanently altered by reading my observations through the years you may recall the sad day late last July when we lost that tree.

If you don't recall that tragic event you can renew your memories by reading about it here.

If you're back now I will remind you that SWMBO had a brainstorm involving buying an artificial tree and planting it where the real tree had once towered so the birdies could eventually once again have a place to perch whilst waiting their turn . . . well, you know.

So a small artificial tree was procured and "planted".

Now let me tell you of the wisdom of doing such a thing in a part of the country where the wind frequently blows like crazy!

Here is the bird perch today.

(It's windy, by the way.)

You may be able to tell that that poor excuse for natural flora has been stripped of great quantities of it's fake leaves.

That is not fake news.

Here, and at other locations scattered around the yard, is the proof.

SWMBO has expressed a Panglossian (damn, I love that word!) view that she will somehow rescue the scattered leaves and restore them to that ridiculous stub.

My more pragmatic view is the one I expressed when the original tree blew down.

Never tweak the Weather Gods.