Friday, December 4, 2020


 My, my, my, it's December already.

SWMBO said the other evening that she couldn't believe it's already December.

Some of us are thankful it IS December already.

But also thankfully, it is FRIDAY and I have some humor (humour, Brits) for you so let's get at it, shall we.

I bet you thought you'd seen all the puns today, didn't you?

Not so, frowny-faces, I saved the best (and the newest - thanks, Wacky Wally) for the last.

Brace yourselves.


(Feel free to join in.)

Wacky Wally doesn't waffle, he's a wicked, wileful worker as he wanders willfully in the woody wonderland of wordsmithery, wending his way to the worst of the World Wide Web.

And for that, I thank him!

Now, let's all have a sensational weekend.

Work on your Christmas greetings, STAY AT HOME, wear your masks and be safe.

There's a new year a-comin'.

Oh, and always remember to keep laughing!

Here, kitty-kitty . . .
