Sunday, April 10, 2022


 A very good writer for the local newspaper, The Daily Courier, for many years also travels quite a bit and documents her travels on infrequent blog posts.

Cindy Barks' blog is called NearandFarAZ and she has a fresh post today, which can be found here about a number of towns she visited in Texas.

The last one, which she calls a bonus town, is the tiny spot called Luckenbach.

With a population listed as 3, it's more of a wide spot to go to for drinking and dancing than anything else.

There's a dance hall and one other main building which houses a souvenir shop and a working saloon.

One warm summer day back in the early 1990's when we were living in Austin we visited the town and partook of it's hospitality in the saloon.

Cindy mentions a song that made the burg famous, recorded by a couple of good old boys back in 1977.

Just for old time's sake, give a listen to Waylon Jennings and Willy Nelson (and friends).