So it's 2024 and the turning of the calendar page had a special meaning for me.
I was honored with an award as the Best Senior American Blogger in the Laughing Horse Awards competition.
This is no small honor.
You can read about it here.
Thank you to Yorkshire Pudding and everyone else involved with the awards.
It's great to be recognized.
While all that was going on, Judy and I spent New Year's Eve with a baked brie, sliced pears and apples, grapes and a tad of beef summer sausage.
Oh, and a bottle of prosecco.
There were a few explosive fireworks in the neighborhood but we were long in bed by then and skipped the celebration.
2024 promises to be an exciting year as my country staggers its way toward another presidential election in November.
After the last one who knows what this season will bring.
Happy New Year everyone!