Monday, July 3, 2023


 Here in the United States of America the July 4th weekend is in full swing.

Even with the temperature soaring.

Depending on whose website you check, our temperature is supposed to peak today at anywhere from 95 to 102 and it's supposed to reach 113 in not-too-far-away Phoenix.

For those of you in the rest of the world on the Celsius scale that's 35 to 45 degrees.

Maybe I should just think in Celsius.

It seems much cooler.

Anyway if you're anywhere where the mercury is rising beyond comfort take the advice of the experts.

And to keep my mind off the heat I've been writing poems.

Here's one of them.

Roses is red,
Violets is purple.
My darlin's sweet,
Just like maple syrup'l.

Hmmm, maybe that's why my Canadian friends sent me south.

If you're here in the U S of A, stay cool, hydrated, safe and sane as we celebrate our nation's independence.

In the rest of the world, just ignore we rowdies and do whatever you like.